Incubus:Part two-Creepy guys and evil vibes

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(Trigger warning: Sexual assault!)

Annie stood at the bar, taking deep breaths. She felt like she was in over her head. She was wearing a black tank top, a pleated purple and black plaid skirt-custom made with pockets, torn stockings and big,black combat boots. She had her hair pulled up into a feathered ponytail and her make-up was completely on point; she was even wearing Heat by Beyonce, so she smelt like vague flowers and coconut. The bartender finally made it to her and asked what she wanted. It felt strange to not be behind the bar but she wasn't complaining.

"Jack Daniels, please. Double." She said, placing a fifty on the bar.

The bar tender grabbed a glass, did some fancy flips with it and the Whiskey, poured in some watered-down coke and slid it over to her. He picked up the fifty, took his fee and handed her the change, all while not making any kind of conversation;despite the semi-quiet music. The music was at such a level that if you put-your lips to someone's ear you could talk at normal volume. She rolled her eyes at the bartender and sipped her drink. It burned as it went down and she let out a sharp breath. She turned, hopped up onto one of the stools and took in the club.

There were a decent amount of people in tonight, despite it being a Wednesday.Annie guessed it was a bunch of lonely people trying to escape the shitty reality of their lives. She took another sip and looked closer. A woman in a red dress was rubbing her ass against a guy's groin. He thrust back and forward,pumping his hands in the air. She looked to her right. A group of people sat ata booth, sipping wine and eating a large bowl of fries. The DJ was jumping up and down, sweating with the effort and the closeness of the club. On the opposite side of the room, directly across from her, was a group of scrawny looking boys;couldn't be any older than eighteen. They looked around nervously, sipping on Jim Beam and eating a share plate of seafood. What a place. Annie sipped her drink again and settled in.

She had to wait for Paul, his job was identifying the Incubus and directing her to it. He had come in ten minutes after her, so as not to arouse any suspicion.Time to play the waiting game.

Paul sat at the bar, as far from Annie as he could. He had his pistol tucked under his overcoat. He was observing the room. Doing his best to assess everyone and everything. He needed as much intel as he could get. A woman in a red dress was grinding against an overly energetic man. He inspected them closer. Even in the low light he could see the pale band on the woman's ring finger. Married and hiding it or separated. He inspected the man. He was pumping his fists in the air and dancing along to the woman's energy. Paul noticed how tight his jeans were and the lack of bulge in his pants. He moved his sight to the man's eyes. His eyes kept darting over to a man at the bar. Gay.

Paul shifted his gaze over to the DJ. He was sweating profusely and looking around quickly. Paul looked closer. His lips were dry and there was white liquid at the edges of his mouth. Drugs. He looked over at the group table,where several people shared a bowl of fries. One of the men was holding hands with a girl under the table, while another girl stroked his leg. He inspected the man next to the stroking girl. His body was angled towards her and she leaned slightly towards him. Body language suggested that the two were a couple but she was cheating with the other guy. Paul noticed a small bulge under other guys jacket. Gun.

Over at the nerd table, Paul found gold. While three of the boys were definitely human and in over their head, the fourth had a presence about him. A subtle undercurrent of violence. Jackpot. He got to his feet and strolled over to the table. He passed close, letting his senses go wild. As he passed the table, a thick feeling of fear washed over him, like a physical veil brushing panic over his body. Anxiety tickled his skin, stroking the hairs on his arm so they stood on end. A subtle scent of raw meat and salt wafted up his nose. He'd found his Incubus.

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