The Brother: part two-Reunion

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For the obvious reason that Quinn was the size of a buffalo, Paul's car was out of the question. The group stood in front of it, mentally tetris-ing the shit out of their own bodies. Maybe if Quinn sat on the roof...

Tom pulled out a phone, showing off his new, glittery case. "We could order several Uber's," He suggested, opening the app.

"Or, we could shoot ourselves in the foot," Jared said. "same result."

Tom threw his hands up; having no knowledge of Jared's vendetta. "What's wrong with Uber?"

Jared held a dismissive hand up, getting very dramatic. "I can't even right now."

Quinn placed a hand on Jared's shoulder, trying to bring some order to the situation. "We'll Uber," Jared scoffed at him. "You'll live."

"Well, good luck getting to the right place," He said.

Annie placed a hand on his arm, settling him. "It's fine. Don't stress."

Marcus had a smoke in his mouth, of the non-weedish kind. He took a deep draw then scowled at the thing, like it was a heavily watered-down drink. "Urgh. What's the point of smoking something if it's not going to get you high?"

Tom laughed, snatching the cigarette from him and took a deep draw. He curled his lips up and let the smoke out. "It's not quite the same, is it?'

Marcus poked his tongue out with distaste. "Not even close."

Paul was busy messing around on his phone. He was checking maps and blueprints. He stepped over to Quinn. "Right, so this is the warehouse we found him in," He held his phone up. The screen showed a blueprint; lots of complicated lines, numbers and measurements surrounded the image. He pointed to a corner of the picture. "This is probably our best bet at getting the jump on him. We can sneak in through the..."

Quinn placed a heavy hand on his shoulder. Paul looked up at him, confused. "He already knows we're coming. This isn't a stealth mission. He will be waiting for us."

Paul took a deep breath and turned his phone screen off. "Well then. I guess there's nothing else for it." He pulled his pistol out and began to check the barrel, slide, magazine...he was anxious; this was his self-soothing behaviour.

A car approached, slowing to a roll as it neared. Quinn drew them all in close. "Right, we'll meet at this address, it's a bar. We'll take some time to get our heads together, then we'll head in. Remember, we are hoping to avoid a fight. If we can convince him to come with us peacefully, then we will."

"And if he doesn't?" Annie asked.

Quinn shook his head, his eyes wandering around at nothing. "Then we do our best to stay alive."


Annie, Jared and Paul exited the Uber-Jared mid-rant to the driver about his previous experiences-and looked up at the broken neon sign above them.

Drowning hole. Interesting name for a dive bar.

"So, you see how it wasn't my fault, right?" Jared was saying to the driver.

The driver shot him a dirty look and waved his hand at him. Get the fuck outta my car, it signalled. Annie grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out.

"Leave the man alone," She said.

Jared gave her a look of pure innocence. "I wasn't doing anything wrong," He said. "I was simply informing him of what happened."

"He doesn't care. Focus."

Jared huffed and took in the street they were on. It looked like something straight out of a noir film. It was relatively dark; every second street light seemed to be broken. Steam rolled up through several grates in the filthy street. Garbage lined the gutters and a feral cat picked at road kill.

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