Baked and bacon

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Annie woke to the smell of bacon and pancakes and the sound of Rick Springfield's Jessie's girl playing from the kitchen. She stretched, working the kink in her neck out; she had fallen asleep on the couch watching Titanic with Jared. He had cried spectacularly throughout the whole thing. When she asked if he was okay he simply said; "I hope there wasn't a real Jack and Rose on there. I would feel so bad."

She swung her legs off the couch and wandered over to a pile of clothes. She picked up the pants, which belonged to Jared, and headed for the kitchen. She turned in from the hallway and threw the pants at him. He spun around, glory swinging with him, and caught them. He removed the apron and slid his legs into the pants.

"Morning," He said, turning back to the pancakes.

Annie groaned, resting her head on her right hand. Jared laughed and placed a coffee in front of her.

"Oh my god, yes," She said, snatching up the mug and downing half the contents.

Jared continued dancing to the music as he flipped a large pancake. Annie squinted at the wall, listening.

"Who was this Jessie? And why was his girl so amazing?"

Jared shrugged, spinning around on the spot and moon-walking his way over to her with a plate of bacon.

"No idea, but that's pretty shit friending on Rick's part. Pancakes will be over in a second."

Annie picked up a fork he'd pre-placed and speared a piece of bacon. "Not necessarily. Have you never met someone with a girlfriend," He turned to face her, eyebrows raised. She gave him a playful look. "Or boyfriend, that you wanted?"

Jared tapped the spatula on his chin-leaving a small blob of batter in his beard-and thought on this. Eventually, he shook his head. "Can't say I have. You?"

Annie looked over at him, mouth overflowing with crispy bacon. "Me what?" she mumbled.

"Have you ever met someone you just have to have? That you fantasise about?"

Annie choked on her bacon, coughing and spluttering as it gathered in her throat. It all came flying out in a big, greasy ball; landing with a splat on the counter. Jared stared at her, eyes wide.

Annie laughed nervously as she scooped the bacon back onto her plate. "Noooo," She said, outdoing even Tommy Wiseau in overacting. "I've never met someone that..." She trailed off, getting lost in thought. "that I have to have..." Her eyes darted towards him then back to her plate. If he noticed, he didn't mention it.

"Your pancake is ready," He said, bringing the pan over. It contained a large, thick pancake. Damn he was good at this.

He slid it onto her plate and scooped the projectile bacon onto it. The blob of batter was still on his chin. She leaned up and wiped it off with her finger, grinning. He looked down at it and rubbed his beard. A sudden, impulsive thought invaded Annie's mind and, as much as her brain rebelled against it, her heart decided to take the chance.

She held her finger up to him. "You want it?" She said.

Jared stared at her for a few seconds, then gave her a huge grin. He leaned forward, placed her finger in his mouth and sucked the batter off. The finger slipped from his mouth with a wet pop. Annie's body felt like it had been struck by lightning. Every nerve in her body screamed and tingled. Her heart started pounding in her chest, and warmth spread out from her chest. They stared at each other, neither speaking.

Annie made a move. "Jared..."


The doorbell cut through the tension with a sound so unwelcome that Annie could've demolished the thing right then.

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