Weed and plot twists

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Annie found Marcus and Jared about four-hundred yards from the shop, where the surrounding forest became denser. They were crouched down among the bushes, Jared drawing something in the dirt with a stick while Marcus made urgent hand signals. She heard some of what they were saying as she drew closer. Marcus spotted her and motioned for her to get down. She dropped into a crouch and snuck closer.

"If you come around from this angle," Jared said as he drew something in the dirt. "You can flank him while I move in and create a distraction."

Marcus shook his head and grabbed the stick. He drew his own lines and said, "If we both come in from this angle we have a better chance of flanking him."

Jared's lips became a tight line and he turned to Annie as she drew up to them. "What do you think?" He said and pointed to the dirt.

Annie looked down to find a drawing of two bunny rabbits holding hands while a smiling sun gave a thumbs up. She shook her head and sighed, snatching the stick from Marcus. She rubbed the ears away and drew them again but floppy. She knew it was pointless to fight them on this. She had very quickly learned the best course of action is to run with the madness.

"Perfect," Jared beamed. "So, we have a plan." He turned towards the forest, peeking over the trees. He held out his hand to Marcus who slapped a View Master in it. Jared put it to his eyes and looked. He pointed into the trees, his head barely popping out over the bushes. "There's a piggy over there that we need to be careful of," He said. He tapped the slider and groaned. "And a duck to the left." He gasped, seeming to remember something. "QUACKINGTON!"

Annie jumped, startled by the sudden outburst and cocked her head to the side wondering what he was yelling about. They hadn't seen much of Jared's faithful duck since arriving in Australia. It had taken a while longer to get him through customs and he'd spent most of his time flapping around in the woods.

"What about him?" She inquired.

Jared shrugged, looking forlorn. "I miss him."

Marcus slapped a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. "Don't worry, brother," He said with forced intensity. "We shall find him after this and you shall have your duck cuddles."

Jared feigned wiping a tear from his eye and nodded. "I knew I could count on you."

Annie huffed. "You guys are fucking weird."

"Indeed," Jared said, putting the View Master back to his eyes. "Right, let's get this over with. I want to find my duck."

Marcus crept up to the line of bushes and peaked over. Beyond was a clearwater river, flowing gently. On the opposite side, trying and failing to hide in the bushes was a large brown lump.

Marcus pawed excitedly at Jared. "There, there." He hissed, pointing at the shape.

"I see it," Jared replied, passing the View Master to Annie who simply hiffed it over her shoulder. "Look at the banks of the river." He pointed at the muddy ground. "There are signs that people come here often. We can't risk fighting it here."

Marcus stroked his chin and ran a hand through his hair. Annie couldn't help but think of Danny Zuko as he did this. "We could always try luring it up into the mountains...fight it up there."

Jared seemed lost in thought. "Maybe...still no guarantee."

Annie leaned forward, resting her chin on Jared's shoulder. "Can't you take it into a different dimension? Why not fight it there?"

Marcus and Jared turned to each other, their expressions excited. Jared raised his hand and stroked Annie's face. "Brilliant idea."

"Any dimension in mind?" Marcus asked, pulling a joint out of his jacket and lighting it. He took a long draw and handed it to Annie.

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