He Asks You Out

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Phoenix Wright:
Trying to take halfway decent notes in class, you flipped the pages of your textbook along with the professor's instruction. He was being incredibly slow today, so it was easy for you to read ahead of him. You flip another page, seeing a little message written on it,

Okay, I have no idea when you're gonna read this, but will you go out with me, (y/n)?

Instantly recognizing the terrible penmanship, you look over to Phoenix, who was only a few seats away, waiting until he made eye contact with you. You nod your head, and he looks at you with an expression laced with confusion. You point down at your textbook making him finally understand, silently cheering as he smiles widely.
After class, you two plan to go get something to eat, and although you had done this many times before, this time was special. It was officially a date.

Miles Edgeworth:
You and Edgeworth had become much closer over the past few cases. It had gotten to the point where you would drop by his office even when you didn't have a case to work on. Edgeworth, when inviting you, had informed you that you could let yourself in, so you did just that. His office was a bit more tidy than usual, but the strangest thing about his office was that he was standing in the center of it, holding a red rose while he blushed profusely, seemingly unable to make eye contact. "How would you like to be my girlfriend?" Short, emotionless, and to the point, just like his usual self.
"Yes, sir," you mumbled, not knowing what else to say.
"Call me Miles, please," he corrects you, the corners of his mouth turning up slightly.
You nudge him, smirking, "Does this mean we're partners in crime?"
Edgeworth facepalms, shaking his head. Laughing quietly he mutters, "What have I done?"

Apollo Justice:
Walking into the Wright Anything Agency, the atmosphere seemed rather cold. You sit at your desk, getting started on paperwork for an upcoming trial when Trucy comes in. "Hey, magic panties, how are you this morning?"
She beams at the new nickname, "I'm good, but I haven't seen Daddy or Polly around today." She taps her finger on her chin as she tries to think of where they might be.
"Well your dad told me that he was going to be running late because of some business at the Borscht Bowl Club, but I haven't heard from Apollo."
Just after you say his name, Apollo himself bursts through the door seeming rather frantic. He rushes into the main room, darting around, clearly looking for something. You and Trucy just watch, speechless.
"What's got your panties in a twist, Polly?" Trucy tries to follow him as he runs throughout the room.
"My badge, have you seen my badge? WHERE IS IT?" He yells, making you and Trucy cringe.
"It's on your shirt, right where it should be."
"It can't be, Trucy, I've already che–oh. Found it..." He sits down, still looking jittery.
"What's up?" You ask him, speaking for the first time since he came in.
He looks up at you, frantically saying, "What are you talking about, (y/n/n), nothing's up! I'm fine, what's up with you?" All you have to do is raise your eyebrows and he breaks, "Okay, okay, I'm just really nervous."
"About what?"
His blush turns most of his face a rather bright shade of red, "I need to a-ask you something...(y-y/n), will you be my girlf-friend?" He doesn't dare look up at you.
"He's asking you out, in case you couldn't understand that," Trucy giggles.
"I'd love to," you say simply.
"What?!" He couldn't believe that you would even consider it, let alone say yes.
"Let's go get some coffee after work, yeah?"

Klavier Gavin:
While on tour, for one of the shows in LA, the five of you did a Q and A segment before the performance. A setup that displayed Klavier's phone screen was up and running, and the fans were instructed to tweet questions to a specific hashtag. Tons of them came up all at once, and quite a few of them were answered:
"Daryan, what hair products do you use?"
"Have you seen the new season of (y/f/s)?"
"Will you go out with me, (y/n)?"
At that one you laugh, looking for the username of who sent it so you could address them properly when you kindly decline. "@klaviergavinofficial?!" You spin on your heel, staring at the lead singer. It seemed silent as you asked him if he really just asked you out.
"Of course, fräulein, why wouldn't I want you to be mine?"
Your words lost, all you can do is nod and smile, the crowd cheering behind you. You walk over to him, reaching up for a hug.
"Thank you for saying yes, (y/n)," he says as he puts his face in your hair.
"Of course, babe, why wouldn't I want you to be mine?"

Kristoph Gavin:
The day of the trial, you couldn't stop fidgeting. The nerves were getting to you and it wasn't even your trial. Sitting on a bench outside of courtroom no. 3, you waited for the doors to be opened to start letting people in. Not many people had shown up, but you easily picked out two familiar faces from the other side of the room.
Walking toward the doors, closer to where you were at, you couldn't help but overhear a bit of their conversation. "Now, Justice, the cross examination is one of the most impor—ah, (y/n)!" Your friend's defense, Kristoph Gavin, walked over to you, Apollo in tow. "You are going to be watching the trial?"
You stood up as you responded, quickly defending yourself. "I wouldn't miss this for the world. I couldn't just let my best friend go through this with only a lawyer on their side!"
"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow at you, smirking slightly. Kristoph looks to the boy behind him, "Would you go retrieve the case files from my car, Justice? I need to take care of a few things here." The request seemed out of place, but you couldn't find the strength to question him.
The boy nodded enthusiastically, dashing off to go complete the task assigned.
"Now, then. Would you care to come visit me under less tragic circumstances? I wouldn't mind seeing you again after this case is closed." He pulls a business card from his pocket, handing it to you and turning around just as Apollo comes back before leading him into the now opened courtroom, leaving you a smiling mess.

Simon Blackquill:
As soon as he found your phone number, Simon texted you. Gradually, the two of you became close friends, and you always hang out when he gets out of work. This time in particular, you were waiting for him at the little cafe by his office. He had been taking longer than usual, so you decided to text him.
Y/N: You coming?

Simon: I can't make it today, sorry.

He never cancelled on you before, but you decided not to question him. He was simply a man of many secrets. However, you wanted to question him when it happened another time. And again. And again.
At this point, you were seething. The two of you had been friends for months. No arguments, no awkward moments, nothing that would make him want to leave. What the hell gave him the nerve to ditch you?
You found yourself in the prosecutors' office, walking to his personal office and banging on the door until you heard a faint "come in."
Once you made eye contact with him, Simon's bored-looking expression faltered slightly. He stood up, "What...what are you doing here, (y/n)?"
You walk in, closing the door behind you. "I should be the one asking you what you haven't been doing with me. I thought you were my friend, so why do you keep blowing me off?"
Simon felt his heart sink at the words. "That's the thing, (y/n). I've been trying to stay away from you to clear things up, but I keep coming to the same conclusion. I don't want to be your friend anymore."
You were speechless. After all this time, he wanted to drop you just like that?
"No matter how much time I spend away from you, I'm still drawn to you. I can't keep ignoring the fact that I love you." He sighs, coming around his desk to stand in front of you. "I hope you can forgive me for the way I've treated you. And while you're at it, will you please date me?"
He may be a bit lame, but you couldn't help but say yes.

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