You Were Kidnapped

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Expanding on the idea to make it more specific so nobody gets mega confused: y/n was kidnapped and has been missing for several days. After searching endlessly, the police finally find you and take you to the hospital, and your boyfriend comes to visit you immediately. Here's how he reacts to seeing you:)

-his first instinct would be to ask you how you feel. How are you, right this second? What does he need to worry about?
-he'd want to look you over for any physical injuries you have, lightly brushing his fingertips over/around them
-he'd let the police handle the kidnappers, knowing that everything will be taken care of

-would be one of the people searching for you the whole time
-when you were finally found, he'd be so tired that he wouldn't be thinking properly, immediately getting angry when he saw your injuries (at the kidnapper, not at you)
-would set his jaw, quickly scanning your body for anything he might've missed before asking in a hoarse voice what they did to you

-would be the softest with you. You were just kidnapped, so him getting emotional isn't going to help anyone
-would cry when he makes eye contact with you and sees the bags under your eyes and the bright red mark on your cheek
-he'd give you a gentle hug and lay in the hospital bed with you, his arms loosely around you to make sure you stay safe

-you're his top priority. Period.
-would treat you super delicately, going so far as to ask the nurses if he can be the one to give you medicine, take care of you, etc.
-is not afraid to tell you how worried he was. He always wants to know you're safe.

-would be more focused on revenge
-you're important, yes, but now that he knows you're safe and recovering, he needs closure
-in the form of a knife to the heart of those who hurt you

-would use this experience as a reason to cherish your existence even more
-would be so soft with you
-he'd help the police in any way possible, but he wouldn't leave your side for anything

-would feel like he is a bad boyfriend for letting someone put you in harm's way. He's always so quick to blame himself for things like this.
-would get all information he could about your wellbeing, needing to know exactly what to do to make you better
-he'd stay with you the entire time (other than the time it takes to bring you whatever you want)

Hello! I hope this request is what you wanted. I definitely put a spin on it, but I really loved the idea of y/n being kidnapped. I'm working on the other requests, so don't worry if you've requested something:)
In other news, we're almost to one thousand votes!! Crazy talk, right? But I wanted to say (type) a quick thank you for all of your support. Thanks for sticking with this book! Have a good day:)

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