You're Pregananant

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This was requested by multiple people, so I hope this chapter is to your liking:)
ALSO sorry I just remembered okay all these little imagines are assuming the child is his and that you've been planning for it. Or something like that (@kristoph) Okay happy reading!

"Hey, hey, hey, Phoenix," you walk up to him with a bright smile on your face. He looks up at you, setting his magazine down in the process. "I just found out that I'm..." you press play on a YouTube video you had pulled up a minute earlier, and the voice of a man rings through the room as he says the word,


The two of you burst out laughing until Phoenix realizes what you just told him, stopping his actions and practically freezing up for a second.
"Wait, you're pregnant? Really?" He looks up at you with so much hope in his eyes that you want to spontaneously combust in happiness.
All you need to do is nod your head for him to jump up, wrapping you tightly in his arms.
"I'm gonna be a daaaaad!"

Telling Miles about your pregnancy was definitely interesting. You knew he liked his information to be straight forward (unless it's an autopsy report), but straight forward isn't exactly your style. You found yourself sitting in the area right by the front door, waiting for half an hour for Miles to get home. Once he finally came through the door, he immediately stopped once he saw you, staring in silence until you started talking.
"I, uh... Well you see," you continued.
He sighed. "Yes?"
"I'm," you paused for a moment to take a deep breath, "I'm pregnant."
Miles' eyes widened, and he took a slow step toward you, wordlessly asking for confirmation. You nodded your head, smiling softly. He closed the gap between you, getting on his knees to engulf you in a hug.
"Call me if you ever need me, (y/n), I'll take good care of you."

When you first found out, you were ecstatic. Apollo would make a great father, and you were sure of it. You waited for him to get home from the office, not worrying about making some sort of cute reveal or anything. When Apollo came into your shared room, giving you a big hug, you decided that was the best time to make the announcement.
"Hey, guess what?"
He pulls away from you, keeping his hands on your waist. "What?" He looks into your eyes, making a cute little face as he swayed you back and forth slightly.
"We made it."
His expression changed to one of confusion. "Made what?"
"I'm," you give him a quick peck on the lips, "pregnant."
He gasps quietly. "For real? You're gonna be a great mother, I'm sure of it."

It had been Klavier's day off when you decided it was time to tell him about your pregnancy. You'd already known for a few days, but it never seemed like the right time to tell him. Yet now, with his head on your lap as he pretended to pay attention to the movie onscreen, you couldn't get it off your mind.
"Babe?" You ran your fingers through his hair when his eyes flicked up to meet yours. "I have a fun fact for you."
A goofy smile stretched onto his face. "And what might that be?"
"I happen to be...really cool." Your voice faded very quickly as you backed out at the last second, breaking eye contact.
Klavier caught on to the fact that you were hiding something. "And?"
"And pregnant."
He lifted himself off of you at the speed of light, pulling you into a suffocating hug before kissing all over your face. "I'm so ready for this! When's the birthday?"
"...In nine months."

In all honesty, you didn't want to tell him. How would he react? Would he be able to help you raise a child? You waited too long to tell him. And by that, I mean you made him find out by showing the first signs of pregnancy.
Kristoph addressed it one day after work, "Have you been feeling alright?"
"What do you mean?" you started to panic a bit, but you continued to try to cover yourself.
"You haven't been getting proper sleep, and your eating habits have changed recently. And pardon me for saying this, but you've been gaining weight, too." He eyed you suspiciously.
"I, uh," you stammered.
Kristoph glares slightly. "Spit it out, (y/n)."
"I'm pregnant," you mumbled.
His attitude softens immediately, "Why didn't you say something sooner?"
You sigh, taking a step forward to rest your head on his chest. "I was scared of how you'd react."
"I can see why, but at this point you should know that I would do anything to make you happy. And that includes becoming a father."

You literally couldn't decide between dreading telling him and getting so excited about it that it bursted out of you. Simon has a cute, soft side to him, but he can also be absolutely terrifying, so how would he react to the news that he's going to have a child?
When he got home, he could easily tell something was up with you. You really aren't a good liar.
"Is something wrong, (y/n)?" He leaned up against the doorframe, smirking.
Your skin heated up at the gesture, and you broke eye contact so fast you thought you'd go cross-eyed. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"And that's bullshit, now spill." He took a step forward, his arms crossing over his chest in a playful way.
You finally cracked, letting yourself smile. "You wanna know? Fine. I'm pregnant."
He froze for a split-second, processing the information before picking you up and spinning you around.
He set you down, rushing the words, "Wait, is this okay?"
"The baby or you picking me up?"
He thought for a moment. "Both."
"Yes," you pulled him towards you by his hands, intertwining your fingers as he kissed you.

The two of you were lounging around in the living room after Diego came home when you decided to tell him about your pregnancy. Well, not tell, but show. He was sitting against the arm of the couch, and you were sitting between his legs with his arms around you. You took his hands in yours, placing them flat on your stomach.
He didn't react. At all.
You put your hands over his, pressing them closer to your stomach slightly.
This clueless boy.
You sighed heavily, seeing if he'd even notice that.
"Is something the matter?"
"I'm trying to tell you something, and it's kinda important." You jokingly wriggled in his hold, pretending to whine.
"What is it?"
You placed his hands on your stomach once again, but this time, you finally explained it to him. "There's a little kiddo in here."
"Pardon?" He took control of his hands back, rubbing your stomach lightly.
"I'm pregnant." You cuddled into him when he rested his chin on your head and wrapped his arms all the way around you.
He leaned down to your ear, mumbling, "We'll make the perfect little family."

This took me so long to write, so I hope you enjoyed it:)

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