How He Wakes You Up

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-is always really playful about it
-sometimes he tickles you awake, sometimes he piles all the blankets on you and makes you wake up due to the heat
-tries to come up with a new pet name for you every morning
-"okay, muffin, the morning has officially arrived!"

-waits until your alarm wakes you up
-not because he values your sleep (I mean he does) but because he just doesn't know how to wake you up without feeling awkward about it
-no cutesy Edgeworth in the morning
-do not pass go
-do not collect $200

-if he wakes you up before he does his chords of steel exercises, that is
-would gently run his fingertips on your shoulder and down your arm
-"y/n? time to get up, baby"
-if you didn't wanna get up, he'd playfully threaten to not go to the living room before starting his ritual

-mumbles German phrases to you in his deep morning voice
-would brush his hand through your hair slowly, pushing it away from your face if he needed to
-if you didn't wake up immediately, he'd give you a few more minutes, admiring your sleeping figure
-I'm so soft rn send help

-would probably just shake your shoulder to get you to wake up
-"wake up, y/n"
-keeps his distance
-rip you

-leans over you, purposefully letting his hair brush against your skin
-slowly peels the blankets away until you notice
-kisses just below your ear before whispering that you need to get up
-"c'mon, babygirl/babyboy, you know you have a big day ahead of you"

-would run his hand along your waist softly
-would kiss your collarbones, up your neck, along your jawline, and finally get to your lips
-if that didn't work, he'd go brew coffee for the two of you, bringing it into your room before trying again
-would hug you tightly and ask you to get up for him
-"you don't want me to be all by myself today, do you?"

The request is coming up next, I just wanted to write some fluff before I get to the next one:)
Also, if you like soulmate AUs as much as I do, check out my new story! I only have the first chapter up, so you're welcome to give it a try and see if you like the plot of it
Have a good day/night!!

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