How You Sleep Together

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Because we all need more AA fluff in our lives am I right

-playful sleeper
-if you're not sleepy yet, he'll tickle you until you're gasping for breath to tire you out
-it took him forever to ask you if he could be the little spoon
-he's definitely the little spoon
-likes to give you hugs before bed, but he always ends up squeezing you super tight
-when he's upset, he'll just sigh and crawl into bed without a goofy grin or a hug, so you'll lay your head on his chest, move his arm to rest on your back, and you'll listen to his heartbeat as he tells you what's up
-makes strange noises in his sleep

-somehow the perfect temperature all the time
-doesn't like to cuddle, but always wants you to fall asleep facing each other so he can watch your face as you clock out
-doesn't fall asleep easy
-slight insomnia, he wakes up in the middle of the night
-would do anything to avoid waking you up
-when upset, he won't say anything, but you can see how tired he looks, so you will wrap your arms around his waist, falling asleep in a hug
-he'd never admit it, but he's just too afraid to cuddle you. He doesn't want to mess up

-an actual heater
-you sleep in a different position every night, but you're always cuddling
-he'll play with your hair
-when he's upset, he likes to rest his chin in the crook of your neck and just stay still
-steals all of the freaking blankets even though he feels like fire
-falls asleep quickly but wakes you up way too early in the morning
-chords of steel. At six in the morning.
-I guess you're not Apollo Justice because you weren't fine

-mumbles phrases in German in his sleep
-will hold you close, your back against his chest, and sing to you softly before placing kisses along your neck and shoulder
-likes to lift your shirt slightly, running his fingers along the warm skin of your stomach
-snores very quietly
-when upset, he'll just turn away from you and likes to be left alone for the night
-it always feels extra cold on those nights
-doesn't want to get up and leave you in the mornings
-you have to practically lay on him to get him to wake up

-he might seem like he wouldn't want to sleep near you, but he's quite the opposite
-he'll hold you tight, arms around your waist, putting his head in the crook of your neck
-he rubs your back to help you fall asleep occasionally
-will start kissing your neck, beware of this needy boy
-when upset, it'll keep him awake, whatever it may be
-he'll act as normal, and when you fall asleep, he'll just feel your chest rise and fall against his at a steady pace, and he'll let that help him to fall asleep
-won't let you leave the bed when he's sleeping; he'll trap you in his arms and hold you close to him

-usually cold
-won't let you cuddle him but you'll wake up with your back pressed up against his chest and his arms wrapped around you
-he's such a quiet sleeper that you're always scared that he's dead
-when he's upset he'll just pull you into a hug and throw the blanket over the two of you, letting you sleep on him
-actually really soft but doesn't like to show it
-makes sure you fall asleep first so he can make sure you get your rest

-is super warm (not like a furnace, but like that comforting type of warmth)
-likes to half lay on you or vice versa so he can always protect you
-somehow loves sleep despite all the caffeine in his system??
-a cuddle bug at its finest
-snores loudly but it's still cute somehow
-when upset, you can actually feel his temperature drop when he holds you tight, so it's easy to tell if something's up
-to help cheer him up, he likes to have you lay completely on him, making eye contact, and he'll place his hands on the backs of your thighs
-You don't know why but it always helps
-gets up stupidly early in the morning to brew coffee I can't with him

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