He Loses Faith in Your Testimony

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I'm ignoring my western civilizations homework to finish this but it's all good who needs a degree anyways (and I'm really not feeling up to it right now so thank you all for giving me a worthwhile distraction)

-would be confused as to why you didn't want to tell the truth
-knows you're probably just nervous/slipping up because of how often you'd trip over your words
-slowly grows tired of finding contradictions in your testimony; every contradiction just hurts you both more
-"Is anything you're saying real? How am I supposed to believe you?"
-the judge has to rule that your testimony isn't trustworthy, and you're removed from the courtroom

-would be frustrated with your testimony
-would actually stare you down to try to get to the truth
-the defense attorney would notice that there was something more going on behind that stare
-"It seems we won't be getting information of any value from this witness."
-he'd definitely talk to you later about it, wanting to know what was going on inside your head

-Apollo would rethink the case, believing maybe he got some facts messed up
-when he realized you were the one bluffing, the feeling of dread would hit him all at once
-you would notice, and your nervous tic would come out uncontrollably
-"You can tell us the truth, (y/n), i know you didn't do anything wrong."
-would take the longest to lose faith in you
-he'd want to keep pressing for information, but the prosecution would have to end the cross-examination

-would slowly become exasperated with the constant flaws in your testimony
-would mumble frustration-induced phrases in German
-"Fräulein, why don't you try telling the truth? It'd help me out a lot."
-wouldn't even ask you about it later, he'd just want to move on

-would simply grow bored of constantly telling you of your own contradictions
-would actually yawn while listening to your revised testimony
-"Witness, we haven't got all day to listen to your lies."
-would act super cold to you in the courtroom but would soften up a bit when you got home

-would glare daggers at you throughout your testimony
-just wants to know why you couldn't tell him what was going on; he's there to protect you, so why couldn't you just trust him
-"Why would I want to sit through this when we have more reliable witnesses here today?"
-would be the one to ask you to leave the courtroom
-the only one who would remain frustrated with you even at home

-would want to be the one to leave the situation
-why would his kitten want to make his job harder?? He is just super confused my guy
-"(Y/n), please, just talk to us. Remember what I told you about times like these? Sometimes you just have to force a smile and get on with it."
-he'd work the truth out of you to some degree, but once he finally gave up on you, he'd just blame himself

Shameless self promo really quick: if you like kpop (or could just ignore names) and are down for some cute, short, fluffy boyfriend scenarios, please take a look at my new book that I've been uploading daily so far:)) I'd really appreciate it

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