Turnabout Goodbyes

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Hi, everyone! I wanted to give you all a little update on my life and the future of this book. If you'd like to give me a little update on your life, please do!

I've been working nearly 40 hours a week, so I've been very tired lately, but overall my life has been pretty alright! I finally got my first credit card, so I'm pretty excited about that (and I feel the need to make a celebratory purchase but I'm not sure yet). I've been saving up for college, and after this school year I'll have an associate of arts degree.

My boyfriend and I are still together, and we're still doing really good! He's very respectful and sweet. Never settle for someone you kinda like, okay? Good people still exist. I think I found one:)

As for this story, I'm going to be honest with you and with myself: I don't think I'll be writing in this book very much if at all anymore. Not that I have been, but I wanted to finally put that out into the void. It's a mixture between no longer having the time and no longer choosing to imagine dating our favorite lawyers. I still love the games and I'm playing through them again so you can always talk to me about it!!

That being said, if you see my content anywhere else (or any stories/books that are a liiiiittle too similar) PLEASE please please let me know. I want this to be the only place you can find my writing. I worked very hard on all of these chapters, so I'm counting on my friends and readers to protect this book.

I don't spend much time on Wattpad anymore, so if you would like to talk to me anywhere else (or want a/another face reveal), my Instagram is @tayraearm and my Snapchat is @tayraearm.net

I'd be happy to talk! I just might not respond right away because I'm a v busy human. Just be like hey I read your book or something like that. I get spooked easily when people follow me out of nowhere so just let me know that I know you!!

But with that, I'm going to bid you farewell. Who knows, I just might surprise you with another chapter every now and then.

Thank you all for giving me a place to talk about my life and a place to show off my writing.

You've all been a wonderful audience☺️

Your author,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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