Road Trips (would include)

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Thank you very much for the request, I hope this chapter is to your liking! (Also there's a longer than usual author's note at the end, feel free to skip it)

-strange soundtracks being thrown into the pile of cds that were brought for the ride
-him reading the road signs and wanting to play iSpy when bored
-you two switch between who's driving every time you hit a rest area
-probably going somewhere like Disney World or a cute little town you've been meaning to visit
-just sleeping in the car rather than going to hotels (with you using him as a pillow, of course)

-he has to force you to let him drive
-soft music playing in the background
-he takes the long drive as an opportunity to just talk to you about anything and everything for the first time in a while
-your destination is probably a family gathering of some sort
-stopping at restaurants, rest areas, and hotels just to make sure you don't stay in the car for too long at one time

-you drove most of the way. He felt bad about it, but he was really scared when the traffic was awful (or if the highway was more than two lanes. That's terrifying.)
-you always make strange noises and/or talk to (yell at) cars under your breath when driving, so he always keeps the music down so he can listen to it and make fun of you later for it (but when you do listen to music, it's usually anime openings)
-always having lots of snacks and drinks in the car with you
-probably going somewhere like one of Trucy's shows that was a few days' drive away or some sort of performance
-only stopping at a hotel once it got too dark to drive comfortably and Apollo's snores were the only thing keeping you awake

-he'll deadass make you listen to his albums when you're driving (Gunna Lock U Up being his favorite), and he'll serenade you from the passenger's seat and do bad impressions of his other members if you're lucky
-he'll be the one driving most of the time, but you'll make sure you drive too
-going to every restaurant/shop that gains your interest
-your destination being a concert he wanted to go to
-stopping every once in a while, but not as often as you should

-he'd probably want to listen to classical music or something, he's more into talking during car rides, always making comments like "I've missed this" and "I wish we could do this all the time"
-you would split the amount of driving between the two of you perfectly
-he isn't one for fast food, so you went to a lot of restaurants along the way
-you guys are going to go see a broadway show that you wanted to go to
-he'd never drive over the recommended limit, so you'd make constant stops along the way

-he'll be the one driving most of the time, but you'll stop every so often to switch off
-he has a playlist of all of the music you both like that you always shuffle
-he doesn't really get bored on car rides because he likes spending time with you, but after a few hours he might start to feel a bit claustrophobic
-you guys are planning on going to a cute little vacation house on the beach
-it wasn't too far away, only a day and a half, so you pulled through with no stops until you got there

-kind of already wrote about this in He Hears You Sing for the First Time so this will be a bit of a recap, sorry:)
-he wanted to drop everything for a year and travel the country. How did he get you to comply again??
-you wanted to drive most of the time because he didn't like to drive and listen to music at the same time
-you guys talked a lot
-you stopped at all sorts of fun cities, no certain destination in mind
-you went to a hotel every time you stopped at a new place, and you'd stay at every city for different amounts of time. Some deserved a day, others deserved a week.

I had forgotten how much I love writing these, honestly. Hello, everyone, it's been a while. I'd like to make a few points in this AN
•I doubt this is a shocker to anyone, but I'm going to stop trying to have a schedule. Clearly it's not working out for me, and with all of the extra things I've been trying to accomplish with school, it's been putting more stress on this book than I had intended. When I started out, I only had four characters to make little preferences for, so it was a lot more achievable than it is now. Fear not, I'll still be writing for this book consistently. I promise. I'm sorry if that's disappointing to anyone, but I'm doing the best I can:)
•I finally finished Spirit of Justice at the beginning of my winter break! I was very impressed with the cases overall, but I wish it wasn't as tied into politics and religion as it was. Other than that, awesome game. That being said, if anyone would like to request a character from that game, I'll certainly consider it. Unless it's Nahyuta. In that case, it's guaranteed. I mean haha slip of the keyboard. In any case, thank you for staying with me for this long, I'm very thankful for every one of you. I'm happy to be able to write stories for such an awesome fandom.

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