Is He Good With Kids?

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Something I didn't mention earlier, if you want to request that I add a character, I can get working on that, but it might take a while for me to write all of their preferences. I haven't played SoJ yet but I'll let you know when you can request characters from that game.

Phoenix Wright:
Definitely. He likes to let out his goofy side every once in a while (or always), so whenever he gets the chance to play around with children, whether they are family or forced to be at the courthouse, he always uses the opportunity to make silly faces at them when no one is watching.

Miles Edgeworth:
Heck no. He gets incredibly uncomfortable around children under the age of six or seven because they always seem to want to grab his cravat.

Apollo Justice:
Sort of. He gets really uncomfortable around small children because he feels like he doesn't know what to do with them. He's scared that he can't hold a baby right or properly entertain a child, but once he actually does it, he's a natural.

Klavier Gavin:
Surprisingly, yes. He would take any chance he got to see babies, wanting to hold them and sing them to sleep. It was quite a sight to see.

Kristoph Gavin:
Not exactly. He tried to be good with kids when he had to be around them, but whether it worked out or not didn't particularly interest him. At least he got points for trying.

Simon Blackquill:
Just getting him near children was a difficult task. He tried to joke around with them, but they'd always get scared of him.

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