He Gets Jealous

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I seem to have so much inspiration for this book and none for my schoolwork rip me
But, hey, thank you for this request, I hope it's to your liking!

-isn't really one to act out on his jealousy, not consciously at least
-will hover over you a bit more. It's not that he doesn't trust you or anything, he's just subconsciously reminding himself that he's still close to you (meaning he'll just stand a bit closer to you so that you're closer in proximity)

-will clench his fists/jaw/etc.
-if it's someone you're talking to that he's jealous of, he won't hesitate to drop into the conversation and speak in a more uptight manner than usual in an effort to intimidate them

-literally wouldn't know what to do in this situation
-he's your guy friend, so it would be rude to barge in on your conversation, right? But he shouldn't be making you laugh that loudly, should he? He'd get super conflicted, but he'd decide that you're allowed to talk with your friend in privacy. He's not going to be that boyfriend.

-would 100% play pretty boy to get him to go away, full send
-he'd walk up, yawn while putting his arm around your shoulders, and say, "oh, who's this you're talking to, babe?" while looking the guy up and down, smirking

-won't hesitate to make the problem go away in whatever way he sees fit
-no one is allowed to put his hands on you but him. He always has a sort of hawk-eye on you in social situations, so he knows when something's up. And when something's up, he'll take good care of it in the only way he knows how.

-would play nice boy in front of you, but scare him off as soon as you left
-he'd pretend to be interested in your guy friend until you had excused yourself to go to the restroom. When you came back out, your friend was gone, and when you asked what happened, Simon said he "got busy." We already know what really went on.

-would resort to putting his hands on you rather than using his words
-once he saw you talking with an old friend and getting a little too close for his liking, he'd come up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into him for the rest of your conversation. It ended short, to say the least.

-would be the most chill on the outside
-he wouldn't make any effort to stop the situation; he knows you care about him and if you want to leave, so be it. But on the inside, he was just praying to the Holy Mother that the person you were talking to was treating you with respect. If not, he'd have to be damned to the worst hell. Maybe...the hell of always having songs skip halfway through?

Also, writing the last chapter made me realize how much older than some of my readers I am, which surprises me because of how old the games are, but that's okay! I'm glad you're all enjoying my writing! Okay, there was a point to this, I promise. Do you all want the sister chapter "he's a dom?" I'll write it if you guys want it
Alrighty, that's all I've gotta say. Have a good day/night:)))

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