He's a Father

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Hello, everyone! It's been so long since I've been able to write! I'm gonna give you a huge update on my life so if you don't care, feel free to skip it. It's okay:) so I've been very happy the past year! Tired and busy, but happy nonetheless. My state is going to be on lockdown starting today, so I'll try to put out at least a few preferences. I've been attending my senior year of high school, taking a night class at the college center in my town, and working three to five days a week, so I have had very little spare time. But big news... your girl got herself a boyfriend! A real one, and not a cute, animated attorney haha. We've been dating for a little over five months now, and I'm unbelievably happy with him:) he's the sweetest little bean and I love him:) but enough about my love life, how are all of you doing?? I miss talking to you and responding to your comments regularly, so I'm gonna work on doing that as soon as this goes up!

-super playful yet caring
-doesn't actively discipline, but tries to show what's wright and wrong

-the decently strict dad
-is willing to discipline if his child is acting horribly out of line, but never goes overboard

-the soft dad™️
-makes you do the disciplining, he has to look away if a spanking is involved
-makes sure there's at least one family game day a week

-sings them to sleep
-helps show them what to wear at school to be cool
-makes them want to join any musical programs offered at school

-isn't super active in helping raising your children
-he makes the money but leaves the parenting to you

-super soft for your children, they make his heart melt
-would do anything to protect them

-starts making coffee for them every morning as soon as they hit high school
-emphasizes choosing good friends and ignoring bullies when helping raise them

-works hard to show the children how to defend themselves and stay safe (home phone number bracelet, backpack tag, self defense)
-tells them stories every night until they fall asleep

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