You're the Defendant

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Thank you very much for this request, I hope it's to your liking! I was actually planning on kicking off a little courtroom series of preferences, and I have all sorts of things planned (except for this prompt, surprisingly enough), so what better segue than a request:)

-would literally do anything in his power to get you a not guilty verdict (including being your lawyer, of course!)
-believes in you and your innocence no matter what
-would visit you at the detention center as often as possible and try to crack jokes and bring you lunch

-he wouldn't blindly defend you, he'd need to go over the evidence and figure out how to line up the facts and make sense of it all
-once he realized there was no way it could've been you, he would just look visibly relaxed when he visited you, and he'd have a knowing tone to his voice
-he would put one of the rookie prosecutors take the case, trusting that the Wright Anything Agency would have it covered

-he'd become super frantic, going to Phoenix for help as soon as he found out about the accusation
-he and Athena would go to the detention center to ask about the case, and he'd lock up as soon as Widget showed your heart crying out for help
-you'd both be upset and trying to comfort one another

-he'd be devastated to hear that you were being detained; he'd rush over there as soon as possible and try to comfort you
-he'd be the prosecutor for your case, but he didn't even take a look at the file until the day of the trial to try to give the defense an advantage
-he'd stop by the detention center every day to sing you a song, and he'd give you air kisses through the glass

-he wanted to help you out, but he couldn't help but have a sneaking suspicion that you weren't telling him the truth
-he'd try to coax the story out of you, but to no avail, in his opinion. You were telling the truth the whole time, he just couldn't see that.
-other than pestering you a bit more than usual, he would treat you normally. He'd still be sweet and try to visit you occasionally, but he always had to go back to work

-he knows what it's like to be in that position, and he had been doing everything he could to keep you out of that, but clearly things didn't work out in his favor
-he'd remind you that he's always there for you if you needed it, and he would stay with you wherever you went while you were in suspicion
-almost everyone involved in your case suddenly quit their jobs once the case was over with. Blackquill promised he had no idea what happened, but...

-he refused to have anything to do with the case itself. Had he gotten involved, he would have tampered with something to get you out of there, and he knew it
-he would come to the detention center during visiting hours just to talk to you. He wanted to act like everything was normal, the only difference being a change in scenery. It was his way of comforting you
-he'd make a new brew to represent how he felt in these moments. It was simply iced coffee.

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