Horror Films

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He's the type of person to make jokes about how irrational the characters are acting and how fake it looks. He'd probably use scary movie time as an excuse to eat snacks and cuddle.

He's the type that would only watch a scary movie because you pulled out the cute face and tilted your head slightly. He'd claim that scary movies didn't bother him, and it'd be true. Whether it was a jump scare, blood and guts, or actual psychological trauma (I'm lookin' at you, Saw), he would remain unfazed. Thankfully, he'd be there to comfort you if you ever needed it.

He's the type to hide in the blanket fort and jump at everything for the next week. He'll always be so excited to see the newest horror film, dragging you with him, but it always ends with you being the big spoon.

He's the type to always be there to comfort you when you're scared. He'd sit through the whole thing with you, holding you close, even going so far as to murmur comforting words to you if you ever became genuinely afraid. He'd never have the heart to tell you that he hated horror movies; he was terrified.

He's the type to not understand why you'd enjoy horror films. They're not even scary. You'd have to beg him to watch it with you, and despite all of his fussing about how boring those movies are, he'd still flinch at every jump scare.

His life is the horror story
Okay but in all seriousness, he'd act all masculine and tough, but every time he thought he might have flinched, he'd be mentally cursing himself. Please protect him.

Nopenopenope he'd have nothing to do with that. He used to love watching those films with you until one time when he accidentally imagined you being in a helpless situation like that. Ever since then, horror films always unsettled him. Even the thought of them left a bad taste in his mouth.

Hello everyone, just wanted to let you know that my next update is just going to be a catch up for all of the requested characters (ex, Blackquill–How You Meet). Requests are always open!

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