You Lie to Him

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This is in relation to the magatama, so Phoenix's preference will probably go into more detail (similar to Apollo and the nervous tic). I'm not going to say what the lie was, just their reaction to it

Psych-locks appeared before his eyes and the chains wrapped around you. Five locks. You could tell exactly what had happened having seen his face from your position in front of him, and the thought of being tied down with the weight of your own words devastated you, but it was for his own good that you didn't say what was on your mind, right? At least that was what you told yourself as you watched Phoenix take a deep breath, the glowing magatama in his subtly trembling hand.
"(Y/n)...please, just tell me what's on your mind. I already know you're not being honest." He looked broken in a way, and despite wanting to just get it over with and tell him the truth, you wanted to protect him from yourself.
He chipped away slowly at your mind, using your actions and previous words as his evidence. Every time a lock broke and the chains faded, Phoenix looked visibly more relaxed. He held your hand and interlaced your fingers as you told him more and more information, and once you finally realized that he wouldn't give up on you, you heaved a sigh. He wasn't going to leave until you told him everything, and tell him you did. Sometimes the truth is easier than the coverup, especially in the presence of Phoenix Wright.

The false words slipped past your lips, and because of how insignificant they were at the time, he wouldn't have noticed it or thought much of it. However, you seemed more tense afterwords, acting more jumpy and unnatural. This is what caught Edgeworth's attention.
"(Y/n)? Is something the matter?" He asked, an eyebrow raised for added effect.
"Huh? Yeah, I'm–I'm fine. Just a headache is all."
Edgeworth smirked, walking around his desk to stand directly in front of you.
"Is that so? If I'm correct, that'd be the second lie you've told me today." His smug words made you nervous—well, more so than you already were.
He used his scary look to draw out the truth, and you wanted to cry out in relief once he smiled again. You never thought he'd make you feel like a witness, but sure enough, you had been a stuttering mess under his intimidating gaze. He would make sure you wouldn't want to lie to him again, and sure enough, you didn't.

If you were able to lie without your nervous tic coming into play, this boy wouldn't even notice. Unless you were very clearly contradicting something you previously told him, he would trust your word no matter what. It made you feel a bit bad about lying to him, but the feeling would pass with time. Some small fibs would be able to get past him and remain that way for life, but some of the bigger ones would make you feel so bad that you'd just have to sit down and have a talk about it, making him trust you even more. He knew your heart was always in the right place, so he'd find things out in their own time.

He'd be another one that would have a tough time telling the difference between your truths and lies. He might have a suspicion, but he wouldn't want to upset you by trying to ask about it. However, if something you said very clearly contradicted with a statement you made in the past, no matter how small it seems, he would dig through the files of his mind and give you a, "That's not what you said last Tuesday!"

Being very perceptive and quick to read you, it never takes long for Kristoph to tell when you're lying about something. He has you memorized; he knows all there is to know about you, and he knows the patterns of your mind. He can tell what choices you'll make before you do. That being said, he can tell what things you say don't suit you. Not in the "I just wanted to go out of my comfort zone" sort of not suiting you, more so the "this isn't how you would normally word this if it was true" sort of way. Kristoph would ask you in an instant what you were trying to hide from him, and it was honestly terrifying. He was never rude about it, and he never tried to force information out of you, it just absolutely stunned you how spot-on he was. You knew he could see right through you, but every once in a while, you'd lie just to test him.

Having lied his way through a big part of his life, Blackquill knew where you were coming from. What he didn't know was why you couldn't seem to tell your trivial fib without turning red. He would've played it off like he had no idea, but he took his chance to tease you.
"So that's how it is, huh (y/n)?" Blackquill looked to the side with a smirk on his face, putting his jawline on display.
You felt your skin grow warmer, "How what is?"
"You can't tell a simple lie without giving yourself away immediately. Do you expect me to believe you when you look like you got too much sun?"
"I don't know what you mea—"
"Not bloody likely, (y/n). There's no sense in hiding things from me anymore."
Needless to say, your relationship grew much stronger, and Blackquill even went so far as to help teach you how to lie.

He is super perceptive when it comes to anything related to you. He would know what you were saying was false by the way you looked at him. He knew there was a change somewhere, either in how your eyes reflected in the light or the strain on your smile. He would simply ask you to repeat what you said, and once more, and that was all it took for you to crack. He was hard to lie to, honestly. When you finally told him something different from the original, he would leave you with a simple, "That's more like it."

Some of these are longer than others, but I did my best to keep them true to character:)

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