You're the Victim

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So fun story real quick, I'm taking law this year and today we visited the district court house and sat in on it for a few hours, but because it was just district court, it was all misdemeanor cases, so people were mostly just given fines or told when to come back for their actual sentence. Also, the first defense attorney was really twitchy and he actually reminded me of Payne (you read that right). It was a really cool experience, and I certainly think law is a good backup plan if I don't succeed at my first choice:)

-Phoenix had been super busy; the agency was overflowing with cases for some reason, but he took most of them on himself so that no one else was overworked
-this was definitely one of the cases he forgot to look over. What was the defendant's name again?
-after the judge entered and everyone sat back down, the prosecutor said their opening statement
-"...killing (y/f/n) in the process."
-"you WHAT?" Phoenix stared down the defendant, making him squirm in his seat
-"does it make a difference who the victim is? You promised to defend me!"
-"That's news to me."
-and with that, Phoenix stormed out of the courthouse, leaving everyone in shock

-Went full on chief prosecutor on his ass
-you better believe Edgeworth did his research on this case. This is your case
-he already knew what had happened; he may be busy, but he'll always know about your wellbeing
-of course he was upset about it, but he had work to do, and he knew you'd be proud of him for taking this case no matter how much it hurt him
-he went to court with the intention of putting the person who killed you behind bars
-and you best believe he succeeded

-when he found out you were the victim, he was already in too deep. He couldn't just walk out on his client. What if the defendant is innocent?
-he felt like he was betraying you, but he needed to find out the truth
-connecting the dots and figuring out that it really was a witness that had killed you, Apollo worked with the prosecutor to get him to confess
-he nearly cried when he heard the way the witness talked about you. He was so disrespectful... On top of that, he went into extensive detail on why he chose to murder you.
-it was because you were with Apollo
-come to find out he was an ex of yours, but Apollo was still heartbroken to hear that he was part of your cause of death
-he got his defendant the not guilty verdict, all while giving you the justice you deserve

-Tried to keep a clear head, was probably the most reasonable out of all the boys
-he originally declined the case because he didn't want his arguments to become sloppy or biased, but when the prosecutor assigned needed a substitute, he was stuck with this case anyway
-fought hard but did his best to not think of the situation any differently
-as soon as he found out who killed you, he took it upon himself to make sure that they paid for what they did

-immediately took the case
-after investigating everything, he realized that the defendant really was guilty of murdering you
-did you say revenge mode activated??
-because I did
-Kristoph did such a poor job at defending this man that everyone in the courtroom could tell what was going on
-except for the prosecutor for some reason...he was so bad at his job that the defendant was still given a not guilty verdict
-Kristoph had to take care of the parasite himself
-anything for his precious (y/n). Anything.

-Simon has been hot on the trail of a serial killer, just waiting to put him behind bars
-he spent full days in his office researching and trying to find a case that he was a part of, not getting to see you very often, but you understood
-when he was finally informed of a case, he was told to stay away from it because he "wouldn't like it," but he didn't listen. Why would he?
-going to trial, he was fully prepared to prosecute the case, but he wasn't ready to see your name listed as the victim
-He knew it had been a long time since you last saw each other, but what the hell happened?
-he fought like his life depended on it, making sure to get the guilty verdict the defendant deserved

-he couldn't even show up for trial
-how could he let this happen again? Everyone that gets close to him... first Mia, now (y/n)
-when he first found out about your death, he fell into another deep depression
-at the trial, the attorneys working never actually solved the case, they just ruled that the defendant was not guilty
-Diego made it a point to do his research, not stopping until he found out what really happened to you

Nahyuta (please welcome him to the family):
-he tried to stay strong, he really did, this is what the Holy Mother wanted for him, right? Then why did it seem so unfair?
-he held it together through the entire trial, playing his part as the prosecution, and nobody suspected a thing. They didn't even know about your relationship.
-as soon as your final moments were replayed during the divination séance, he finally broke
-watching exactly how you died, seeing your every emotion and sense, he couldn't take it anymore
-calm, firewood burning, glass shattering, loud footsteps, fear, screaming, pain.
-he couldn't help but cry out for you when he saw you turn around, only to see a man had broken into your apartment
-he tried to play it off, but it only made the tears start falling

Hello, everyone! I hope this request was to your liking:) I'm sorry that some of these are more generalized and don't have a storyline, but I seriously doubt that eight boys would magically forget you exist only to find out you're dead. Only a few of them...
But anyway, how are you? I'm having a great weekend, but I'd like to hear about yours:)
What's crack-a-lackin', homie?

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