They're a Tsundere

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I just closed requests for the first time ever, but not to worry! This is just so that I can focus on the requests I'm currently working on. That, and I just got my first job (I'm a bit late to the work force party, I know), so I want to get adjusted to that before I take on more requests. I really appreciate all of your ideas, running out of material was honestly my biggest worry when I started out, but I haven't had to come up with my own idea for like twenty chapters now. You're all so creative ahhhh! Okay, enough gushing over you, time for the chapter:)
These are all going to take place in school settings, let's just say that

-he spread so many rumors about you with your classmates
-they were so awful that many of your close friends didn't want to spend time with you anymore
-you were alone at the lunch table when he came to sit by you
-he smiled so widely, cracking jokes and making you laugh so hard that you nearly forgot about all those mysterious rumors

-always glares at you in class
-I mean he glares at everyone, but with you, it's even worse. Like he can see right through you or something
-when you first had to work on a project together, he went over to your house
-his personality instantly seemed to flip; he was so blushy every time you looked at him

-he never talked to you, never looked at you, anything
-you had tried on a few occasions to get his attention, but if you spoke to him, he'd just give you a dirty look and walk off
-for the second semester you were assigned to be his table partner, and your table was at the back of the class
-that first day you two sat together, his shaky hand slid you a crumpled note
-I think I like you...

-you were in choir together, and he was always so cocky about how much better he was than everyone else at singing
-you had to stand rather close to him, so you tended to be the one receiving many of his attacks; he'd tell you to sing quieter so he didn't have to listen to you. Thankfully you were able to ignore it for the most part
-you had a concert coming up, so you put more effort into learning your part. You went into a practice room after school
-you heard the door open but ignored it and kept singing
-Klavier sat next to you, making you stop, and he apologized for what he said, telling you that you sounded beautiful

-he seemed to have no problem shutting you out
-when you first met him, you two were sort of friends, but suddenly, it was like you stopped existing
-he ignored you when you spoke to him, he joked about how stupid you were to his friends when you walked by, the whole nine yards.
-you had to start wearing earbuds between classes just to block him out
-unfortunately, you had to ride on the bus one day because your car wasn't starting
-and the only available seat? Next to Kristoph.
-you sat down and got ready to put your earbuds in, but he put his hand over yours to stop you
-"I really hurt you, didn't I?"
-yeah, no kidding, buddy
-you kept quiet
-"Let me make it up to you from here on out." He ran his free hand along your jawline, making shivers run down your spine as you nodded in agreement

-always acts so rude whenever you're around
-you see the way he acts with everyone else, he was always so nice. So why is it that whenever he sees you, he flips like a switch?
-but one day, when you walked into class, it was like his demeanor completely changed. He was at first looking sad, but when you made eye contact, he completely perked up.
-he ran to you, yes, ran to you, and he gave you a wildflower from the woods a small ways away from the school
-"I'm sorry, they told me it's about time I confess..." He gestured back to his friends who were watching the scene unfold. "I think I like you."

-he was distant, always seeming to be near you, but he never spoke to you.
-it was like he was constantly at a radius with you being his center point
-he always watched you in class, and you always felt his eyes on you
-finally, at the end of the year, you just went up and asked him what was going on. Why is he always there but never here?
-when you pulled him behind the school and spoke to him about it after class, he couldn't make eye contact with you
-but when he finally looked, his puppy eyes completely captivated you

-wasn't necessarily mean to you, he just didn't treat you like he treated everyone else
-for example, he always held the door open for people, but if it was you that was behind him, he'd drop it right on you as if he didn't see you there
-years went by like this, but you always tried to brush it off. It's not like he was actually trying to make you upset or anything, so why bother getting worked up?
-you two had homeroom together, and at the beginning of class at the beginning of your senior year, Nahyuta brought you a little breakfast
-"I'm truly sorry for the way I've been treating you, but you just make me so nervous. Please eat well, (y/n)."

Von Karma:
-gave you thE UGLIEST OF LOOKS
-it was like he was looking at a pile of garbage like what are you on about boy?
-he would just use every opportunity he got to give you one of his nasty looks for no reason at all
-you were so sick of it, so you just never looked at him again. It was like a mission of yours at this point
-after a few days of not looking at Manfred, he confronted you about it
-"I-uh, I was wondering if you'd like to go out to lunch some time."
-you deadass said no
-he looked up at you in shock. Isn't this how that anime he saw went? The guy asks the girl out, she says yes. So why isn't that how this went??
-he became so stuttery and nervous trying to explain himself that you just had to take him up on his offer

I hope this request was to your liking
Goodnight, guys:)

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