He Gets Shy

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In celebration of one year of Ace Attorney Preferences, I figured we could take a break from the courtroom series and go for a more fluffy imagine. But first, a reader appreciation post. In one year, this book has gotten 16 thousand reads and 470 votes. That's incredible. Through writing, I've been able to create a small fan base where people can talk to me (and it doesn't even have to be about ace attorney!), and I am so thankful for all of you. Even the people that skip my crappy, italic author's notes. Thank you for being patient when I'm busy, uninspired, or just lazy, thank you for giving me a chance to speak my mind through (y/n), and most of all, thank you for supporting my story!
And now, what you've all been waiting for...the chapter, the unofficial title being "He uwus at you" since they don't all get shy necessarily, they just really freaking appreciate you.

Walking through the doors of Fey and Co. Law Offices, you keep your head down slightly as you make your way to the front desk.
You quietly ask a secretary, "Is...is it alright if I visit Phoenix? I'm pretty sure he's on break right now..." you trail off, playing with the hem of your shirt with the hand that wasn't holding a container of a lunch to share.
You hear a voice behind you, "(y/n)? What're you doing here?" As you whip around, you feel Phoenix pull you into a bone-crushing hug before pulling you to his desk. He watches you with perceptive eyes, noticing how cutely awkward you are in his workplace, and he can't help but feel his skin get warmer. You just look so cute in your baggy shirt, sitting cross-legged on the one spot on his desk that wasn't messy, politely yet hungrily digging into the food that you took your time to make for this very moment—
"Phoenix?" He snaps his eyes upward to look into yours. "Is everything alright? You haven't eaten and it's already been twenty minutes." He feels his stomach grumble as the realization sets in that he's just been staring at you this entire time. He grabs his fork, devouring his half of the lunch that you were completely full from at this point. With a smile, you grab your things, giving him a goodbye (and good luck) kiss before walking back out, closing the door behind you.
"My, she's a cute one, isn't she, Phoenix?" Mia speaks from behind the case file she was "reading."
He can't help but smile, the blush on his face becoming an even more vibrant red, "Yeah, she sure is."

After getting ready for bed, all you wanted to do was lie down and forget about the rough day you had. That is, until you heard the door open and close, meaning your boyfriend got to go home early for the first time in who knows how long. A burst of energy rushes through your system, and you quickly make sure you look alright before walking out to the living room.
Edgeworth was sitting on the couch, a book open in one hand as his other rested on the arm of the couch. Taking a deep breath, you decide to test your luck and try something you've never dared to. You stride over, sitting on one side of his lap and laying your head on his chest. You feel his breathing stop for a moment as he tenses up. Setting his book down, he adjusts his position and pulls you into him more, lifting your legs and resting them over the other side of his lap to have you laying on him fully. "Is that more comfortable?" He says softly by your ear, and when you gain the courage to look up at him, you notice instantly how his cheeks were tinted pink and his lips were curved up in a little smile. You simply wrap your arms around his torso loosely and nod your head, feeling both of your bodies relax against one another simultaneously. This quickly became your new favorite (and almost only) form of skinship, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

"How do I look?"
The question nearly every man dreaded. But, for Apollo, it was a completely different story. How do you look, you ask? You had slowly walked out of your bedroom after making the promise that you'd be out in a minute. It certainly took longer than a minute, but Apollo thought it was worth the wait. You seemed to have an ethereal glow around you when you walked towards him, a brilliant smile on your face as you spun around in your new outfit. It wasn't even that fancy, it just made you feel good about yourself. And, boy, could Apollo see it. He gazed at you as you grabbed everything you needed before you left, his eyes always being drawn back to your face. Your beautiful face.
Snapping back to reality, Apollo opened the passenger side door for you before sitting in the driver's seat. Once he started driving, he wanted to say a million different things to you. Seeing you look so happy actually makes my heart smile. I have a hard time breathing when you look at me. I would buy you everything you wanted if it made you this confident for only a second. His chest felt tight with nerves as he simply choked out the words, "You look nice, (y/n)."

It had been a long day, Klavier finally clocking out and heading home at around midnight. You, on the other hand, had to work the morning shift this week, so you barely got to see each other these past few days. When he finally made it to your apartment, Klavier went to your shared bedroom, ready to retire for the night. Used to having to be quiet to let you sleep, he didn't think much of walking in to see your resting figure on the bed. However, something was different tonight. In your arms was one of the pillows from his side of the bed. You were lightly pressing your face into it and smiling softly.
It was the cutest think he's ever seen.
Snapping pictures of you left and right, Klavier made the image of you cuddling with a pillow his phone background before finally getting ready for bed. Crawling in behind you, he gently removed the pillow from your arms and replaced it with his body, hearing you hum quietly as your arms wrap around him. He sighed contentedly before going to sleep, knowing for certain that he loved you with everything he's got.

"(Y/n), you look beautiful!" A woman you recognized as one of your boyfriend's coworkers compliments you. After thanking her and politely excusing yourself, you sit back down at the table next to Kristoph. He was the only person here that you were close with, but he seemed to know everyone. It was a formal work party, after all, he simply asked you to be his date to make things go by quicker. Loud music was playing, good food was served, and everyone was dressed up like they were attending an awards show. It was horrible. It would be more bearable if you didn't just have to sit around for a few hours and actually knew some more people, but there you were, bored out of your mind and playing with your jewelry to pass the time.
A slow song comes on, and dozens of couples go to the center of the room to slow dance together. You immediately take this as your chance to distract yourself from the endless despair that is this event, lightly tugging on Kristoph's arm and silently asking him to dance with you.
He leads you to an empty corner of the dance floor, his hands resting on your waist as your bodies sway to the music together. Kristoph looks down at you, his eyes softening when you look back up at him with a little smile.
"She's right, (y/n)." Your boyfriend pulls you even closer to him, your bodies now flush with one another.
"What do you mean?"
"You look absolutely stunning tonight. It's not every day you get dressed up for me." You couldn't help but wonder how he heard that woman talking to you, but you didn't let it bother you too much. "Thank you for attending this party for me, I know you're not very fond of this sort of thing." Kristoph looks down at you, his hands squeezing your hips lightly before going back up to your waist. There was a moment where all he did was stare at you, seemingly analyzing you.
"For you, anything," you nearly cringe at your cheesy line before you lean up to kiss him.

"Thanks, but I don't need you to take care of me," a stuffy Simon grumbled as you helped him lay back on the couch. You were fully prepared with medicine, tissues, movies, and soup that was cooking on the stove.
"Nonsense. I'm here already, so you might as well just accept my love and affection." A light blush dusted his cheeks as you lightly touched his forehead and your breath fanned his face (in the comforting way, not the gross way). He heaved a sigh, immediately sending him into a coughing fit, and he soon settled back down.
"Fine, fine." His eyelids fluttered closed, and you went back to being all cute, your lips leaving small kisses on his nose and cheeks. Your boyfriend accepted it this time, the skinship helping him to relax into the couch cushions. "I hope you don't plan on doing this all the time," he muttered, but the slight tremble in his voice contradicted the harsh words. What he would never dare to admit is that no one really did things like this for him. He actually adored the fact that you were willing to risk your own health in the name of making him less miserable. After a few minutes of you sitting next to him while waiting for the soup to heat up, he simply mumbled a "thank you," only praying that you knew how much you mean to him.

You and Diego were having a cute little movie night, your back pressed against his chest as you laid on the couch together. When a thunderstorm rolled in, you didn't think much of it. It's only some rain and loud noises. However, one particular strike of lightning ended your peace with the storm when the power went out. It would've been perfectly fine if it wasn't pitch black outside. Cursing your fear of the dark, you latched onto your boyfriend for ear life, your arms wrapping around his torso as you dug your face into his chest, trying to calm your breathing. Your actions made Diego need to calm his breathing as well. Looking down at you, you just seemed so fragile in his arms. He rubbed your back in an effort to soothe you, but he couldn't help but watch as your shaking figure held him even tighter every time the house settled. He smiled, sitting up and picking you up in the process, making his way to your room to grab a flashlight. Turning it on, he gave it to you before lifting you onto his back, taking you on an adventure to light some candles to make the darkness less consuming.

Nearly 2000 words. Wowie, I'm impressed at myself.

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