He uwus at You

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We're finally making it an official chapter. It's about time, lads. Thanks for the request:))
Also, let me know what your favorite personality traits of all the boys are. I'm curious to know what you like about them, and I want to make my writing more in character:) thanks in advance!
Also-also, some of these are going to be longer than others, that's just how my brain works, so I'm sorry if someone is underrepresented in any of my chapters, I'm doing my best

-we all know he cares about Trucy endlessly, no surprise there
-and he cares about you as well
-so once you got close enough for Phoenix to finally introduce the two of you, he was shook when you spent as much time as you could trying to get to know her
-you two would go on little girls days or just stay in and watch magic shows together, and you'd even participate in some of her tricks (others, you'd happily leave for Apollo)
-so when Trucy eventually slipped up and called you Mommy, Phoenix busted a fat uwu and had the urge to put a ring on it right then and there
-but on the outside, he just gasped a little bit and watched as you got the cutest smile on your face
-he was so happy that you two got along, and he couldn't help but see how perfect your little family would be
(-I finally used the AJAA timeline are y'all proud of me? You seemed needy for some Trucy content so I'll deliver)

-he doesn't usually notice things like how cute you are
-he happens to be, oh, I don't know, the chief prosecutor
-so he's not always at home to see all those cute, candid moments that would make someone love you even more
-but on one of his days off, when he was actually at home for a consistent enough period of time to see what he's been missing out on, he finally saw you
-like, saw you
-you, in your most free form, wrapped in a blanket, reading a book, and sipping on some warm tea
-your clothes were wrinkled and your hair was displaced, but you were beautiful
-he smiled to himself, watching as you became completely immersed in your book
-he brewed some more tea for you, making it how he remembered you liked it, and replacing your empty mug
-he set it down on the table next to you, giving you a kiss on the head before he left
-sitting down in the other room, he just thought. Thought about how lucky he is to have someone like you with him, how wonderful you are
-he went back into your room, and this time, he pulled up the blanket and slid in behind you, shifting so you could lay on him as you read
-he became hyperaware of your breathing rate, your scent, how often you took a sip of your tea or flipped the page
-he felt so much more aware of you as a whole, and he realized just how cute you are
-imagine Edgeboi sitting behind you, laying his cheek on your head, and blushing lightly as he just admired you

-this boy uwus on a regular basis, we all know this
-but he's become so adjusted to your level of cute that he doesn't always acknowledge it (like nose-blind but for cuteness. Cute-blind)
-he didn't really think about how indifferent he had become; not that he didn't give you love and affection, he just didn't really change things up if that makes sense
-he only realized this when he saw you dancing around in a little dress you bought
-you had a smile on your face as you swayed from side to side in dramatic movements to make the dress go as far out as you could
-he just watched in awe as you seemed to actually glow with happiness, and he felt like he had been filled to the brim with secondhand joy
-u-to the-wu
-he knew right then that he always wanted to see that face, that smile, and that he'd do anything in his power to protect you
-he became so soft for you, but you never knew why
-and he never felt the need to tell you
-but he treated you like the flower you are from then on

-I feel like we all know what's coming with this one
-you were going through the attic, and you found your old CDs
-in the very bottom of the box was your collection of Gavinners albums
-you still haven't told Klavier that you were actually a huge fan of his before you met and hit it off and became a thing and became a serious thing
-you kind of hid all your merch and pretended to not know what he'd tell you about the band 10/10 acting skills
-thank goodness you took drama class am I right
-but your fate was sealed when you took one of the albums and put it into your dusty CD player
-Klavier had walked upstairs when he heard music, but he didn't realize you were playing his music
-and you knew all the words
-he thought you were so adorable cleaning up the attic and singing his songs and looking all cute in your little lazy day outfit, he could go on about you forever
-he couldn't help but wrap his arms around you from behind and serenade you with the lyrics of Gunna Lock U Up
-he helped you finish cleaning, but you did more dancing and singing than anything productive
-but you can't complain

-from inside his cell (wowie what a way to start a scenario), Kristoph had almost no human interaction, and he honestly didn't care
-he was perfectly content on his own, but after a few weeks, he felt an odd sensation in the pit of his stomach
-he missed you. He needed you to be with him.
-he already knew his mind was going, but when he dwelled on the idea of having lost you, he was losing sanity even faster
-it all stopped, though, when you sent that letter.
-it smelled faintly of vanilla and peppermint when he opened it, and he immediately thought of home
-"...with love, (y/n)."
-and a small Polaroid fell out of the letter. It was of you in that beautiful dress you wore to the business party with him. He adored you in that dress. Hell, he just adored you.
-he smiled to himself, imagining twirling you to the beat of a slow song that neither of you recognized
-he immediately wrote a letter back, hanging up the picture as soon as he finished
-"...Please, do visit. I miss you dearly, (y/n). You always have a way of bringing me to life. With love, Kristoph."

-you're freaking adorable, we all know that
-and sometimes Simon forgets to appreciate it
-he's a busy dude, so that's understandable
-and it's not in his resume that he likes to talk about cutesy things
-but what he does appreciate is Taka, his not cute (but also v cute) pet/partner in crime
-and he realized just how under-appreciated you were when he saw you in his apartment when he came out of the restroom playing around with Taka
-and Taka was perfectly fine with it even though he hates nearly everyone else
-you messed with his feathers, giving him a good ol' belly scratch and told him he was a good boy
(-don't treat my boy blackquill like that, that's not nice)
-he just watched with a little smile as you got along with his, dare I say, wingman
-he saw how playful you were with Taka; you were careful, but still enjoying yourself
-you became 10 times more attractive to him not gonna lie

-he's one that will constantly appreciate you and give you his love all the time
-like he's addicted to just watching you live your life
-waking up in the morning to your cute bed head and sleepy face, watching you sip your first coffee of the day, laughing at you as you stand in front of your closet and try to pick something to wear
-you just fascinate him. Always.
-but this particular time was what made him physically uwu so hard that he felt his soul be cleansed from the inside out
-you had gone to the animal shelter together, and you wanted to help take care of the animals
-going to the room with the kittens first, you got them food and water before sitting down to play with them for a little while
-your eyes sparkled as you let the kitten rub itself on your arm that was extended out to it
-you gave them all so much attention and they seemed to really like you
-Godot just wanted to get you one of the cats so he could see you like that forever
-he would do anything for you honestly

-let's be real he's always fanboying over you on the inside, he's just good at hiding it
-he's very soft and sweet, so whether your personality meshes or contrasts with him, he finds you absolutely fascinating
-you're just so pure, and you're free to do what you wish, but you choose to spend your time with him
-On this particular day, however, Nahyuta came home from work to see you bent over what looked like a textbook, something he almost never saw you do
-he walked over, looking at the book, and realizing that you were studying up on his native language, Khura'inese
-uwu central, my guy
-he was so flattered that you wanted to put time and effort into learning about his culture
-he subconsciously slid his hand along his beaded necklace, using his other hand to close the book slowly, offering to teach you himself
-how could you possibly decline?

Okay final note really quick, I don't plan on taking anymore character requests because it's getting to be a lot (I started out with four, just remember that), and I'm very happy with the little group we have now. However, von Karma was requested, and I'm on the fence about him. He's a very interesting character, yes, but I'd need to play through the cases again to get a sense of his personality. I'll probably have him featured in some scenarios or something, but I don't know if I want him around full-time. If enough people want him, I'll do it, so please let me know your thoughts!! Have a good day/night:)

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