When You're On Your Period

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Why am I actually posting this, what's wrong with me
Whoops it's actually my time of the month please save me

Phoenix Wright:
"Lord, help us all, I am bleeding from my uterus!" you yell out from the bathroom as you try to get yourself situated. Being horribly irregular was always fun, note the sarcasm.
"Are you alright, (y/n)?" Phoenix knocks on the door.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll be alright," you sigh. You wash the remaining hydrogen peroxide off of your hands before walking out. "A little blood never hurt."
—Three hours later—
"Phoenix, it huuuuuurts!"

Miles Edgeworth:
On his one day off, the last thing Edgeworth wanted to do was watch a chick flick, but if it was with you, he'd make an exception. He found himself sitting on your couch watching some film he forgot the name of with a sniffling (y/n) tucked under his arm. He uncomfortably stroked your head, knowing that the only time you'd find interest in any of this was during your time of the month.
"It'll be over soon enough," he found himself thinking, but for some reason, he didn't want the moment to end just yet.

Apollo Justice:
The moment Apollo found out you were on your period, he went into instant teddy bear mode. Lucky for you, there normally aren't too many cases to work on at the agency, so you both could have a day off to cuddle, watch anime, and eat pizza.

Klavier Gavin:
He wouldn't hesitate to sing to you if he knew you were in pain. He'd probably turn into a total softie, offering to go buy you food or give you a massage. Sure, it all sounded nice, but all you really wanted was him, and you wouldn't hesitate to let him know that.
"Well, if what you want is me, who would I be to deny you of that, Fräulein?"

Kristoph Gavin:
Because he already treated you like a queen, a little extra attention wouldn't bother Kristoph in the slightest. He'd already know exactly what you needed. He'd bring you painkillers, a warm beverage, a heating pad, and himself if you were in the mood for human interaction. Thankfully, he's super perceptive, so you wouldn't even have to tell him how you were feeling, he'd just do whatever you needed.

Simon Blackquill:
If you actually gave away that it was your time of the month, Simon would probably just stay away from you. Who knew whether you'd have bad mood swings?

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