He Hears You Sing for the First Time

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Okay but real talk I actually got sick a few days after I posted the last chapter what a time to be alive

"Do you feel the same?" You watched the music video play on your phone, the video flashing between the boys of Wanna One. The concepts of videos attracted you more than the music on some occasions, but in this case, it was the vocals that had you. Before auto play could sweep you up and into another music video, you pull out your earbuds, ready to get back to your homework.
"You have a nice voice, (y/n)." You had completely forgotten that Phoenix was sitting next to you. Those colorful pixels completely took you away from reality.
Confused, you ask, "What do you mean?"
"You were singing along with that video, weren't you?"
"Was I?"
Your boyfriend just smiled, nodding his head, "It was cute, don't worry."
You only sigh in reply as he ruffles your hair, continuing to pester you about your singing voice.

Sitting in your boyfriend's office, you were planning on surprising him with a lunch you made for the two of you. The only problem was that he wasn't there. The secretary told you he had stepped out to go to the police station, saying he'd be back soon. So there you were, laying on the leather sofa, warm pasta on the coffee table next to you, singing a song as you played with one of the knights from the chess set across the room. You always were a fan of Fall Out Boy, even if no voice could compare to that of Patrick. You always tried, though.
"I left my conscience pressed between the pages of the Bible in the drawer, what did it ever—"
The door closed loudly.
"Having fun without me, I see." The voice came from behind you, and thankfully you were still turned away so Edgeworth couldn't see the regret written all over your face. You were cringing so hard you thought you'd just disappear into the couch beneath you.
"Yeah...I brought lunch. Fettuccine." In an attempt to play it off, you turned towards the doorway to see your boyfriend with that smug look you dreaded. How long had he been in the room again?
"Maybe you can sing for me again some time. I rather enjoyed it."
And with that, he let it be, leaving the two of you to enjoy his lunch break together.

There is light inside of everyone, no matter how dim it may seem. At least that's what you and Apollo had gathered after watching Maleficent together as you lied in bed, your limbs tangled together. The lights were out, and the sky asked for its break from the long shifts it serves to keep us lit up. Apollo turns the television off, laying his head on your chest and wrapping his arms loosely around you.
You look down at him, humming as you stroke a hand through his naturally flattened hair.
"Would you sing for me, please?"
You let your free hand trace shapes on Apollo's back as you consider the thought, knowing that you told him of your past experiences with choir back in grade school. Nonetheless, you sing him a song you thought he'd enjoy. "I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream." Your voice is soft to help lull him to sleep, and he lets his eyes shut, a small smile painting his face as his mind leaves your calming voice and his breaths fall even.

"Hey, (y/n)?" Your boyfriend looks up at you from the couch as you complete paperwork at the table. You look up at him in response. "What are your favorite hobbies?"
He sighs, "It just feels like you know so much about me, but I don't really know about you." He almost seems defeated in a way.
You realize that you don't talk about yourself a whole lot and start to feel bad about it, "Well, I'm into a lot of things I guess." You list off a few of your favorite activities before hesitating about one and turning back to your work for a moment.
"And?" Of course he had to notice.
"I also like to sing," you say quietly, looking back at Klavier. A wide smile forms and he sits up, walking over to you and taking your hands in his.
"Will you sing for me?"
You mentally groan, knowing you shouldn't have told him, but you couldn't just not tell him. You mumble, "I guess so."
You start to softly sing your favorite song, never looking directly at your boyfriend. It's hard to sing to a professional and expect them to not cringe at your lack of lessons.
"Your voice sounds a lot like Lamiroir's. I love it."
"You do?"
"You should sing with me some time." He smiles at you, and this time you return it.

"If it's no big deal, why do you want me to attend?"
"You're my boyfriend. It's your job to support me, isn't it?" You had been joking while saying this, but part of you wanted there to be truth to the words.
A few days later, Kristoph had sat in an uncomfortable chair, waiting for your choir to perform. He had no idea why you were so insistent on him being at this particular concert; none of the other concerts seemed to matter to you.
Finally, the group you were a part of walks on stage in matching dresses and tuxes, and once you all get in position, it takes him a while to figure out where you are located.
The performance was going well. The songs were lovely, but none of them fully impressed him. That was when you had come forward in the middle of a song, singing a small solo before going back to your position. Kristoph finally realized why you wanted him to be there: he'd never actually heard you sing on your own before. It was beautiful, and he knew he'd have to tell you that as soon as your performance was over.

To normal people, a day off meant doing something like going clubbing or just sleeping in, but who said you were normal? Hours into your day off, you found yourself in the shower, letting yourself take as long as you wanted. Your mind wanders as the steam rises, and you start singing your favorite song to pass the time. It started off quiet, warming yourself up since it's been a while since you last sang. Gradually it became a full on performance in the shower, complete with small dance moves to the beat you were creating. After getting out, drying yourself off, and getting dressed, you left the bathroom while holding your dirty clothes and towel.
"We've got a pre-debut idol in the house, don't we?"
You jump, almost dropping the pile in your arms. Turning slightly, you see your boyfriend leaning against the wall near the bathroom door. "Huh?"
"If you don't want to be heard, make sure no one's in the house before you use that lovely voice of yours, sweetheart." Blackquill enters his at-home office, leaving you to pretend you weren't blushing like mad at his words.

Going on a cute little road trip with your boyfriend was easy enough...as long as you were the one driving, that is. You had the rule that whoever was driving got to pick the music that played, so when Godot drove, the car was silent. It freaked you out a bit, quite honestly. However, every time you drove, you started jamming out to some of your favorite bands/artists. Eventually, you got tired enough from how late it got that you had to sing to keep yourself awake behind the wheel. You started singing along to what was playing, but when your favorite song came on, you didn't hesitate to belt out the lyrics.
Your boyfriend's eyes fluttered open (though you couldn't see that through that mask of his), and he listened to you sing some of your favorite music. However, when a song with a rap in it came on, you couldn't help but bust out those lyrics. He was shook to say the least.
Although Godot wanted to tell you how amazing you were, he couldn't help but fall back asleep, forgetting to bother you about rapping to pop songs before he passed out.

I got a little carried away with a few of these (*cough* Apollo), I apologize. This chapter was actually a request, so hey, I hope this was what you wanted! Requests are open, feel free to leave a comment or DM me if you want to request a preference:)

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