CHAPTER 3: late night talk

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            I dreaded to go to school today, why you may ask? Well Elliana freaking Fower texted the whole school that I slept with teachers to get good grades. That's just ridiculous. What was Jack gonna think? Would he believe Elliana over me?

            During the weekend, Jack asked to hang out and I declined. I wasn't in the mood to do anything. I didn't get out of the house incase I would see someone from school or Elliana and her posse. Jack didn't seem to know what happened though and isn't asking me about the rumour. Strange.

            I walked to school like any other day and as I entered the gates of Richmond High, all the attention was on me. As I walked past, students would turn to their friends and whisper about me. Some students would say things such as 'look, it's Davina Bloslut' and 'what a whore.' and some guys even came up to me and told me to come over to their house to have a 'fun' time. I was so uncomfortable and I didn't like the glares everyone was giving me.

            Once I got to History class, I sat at the back, not wanting anymore attention. This was a situation where I literally wanted to hide in a hole and die. The teacher came in and started the class and I realised that Jack wasn't here yet. Could he be late again?

            The teacher was talking and I was focusing to the front of the class. The two girls next to me kept staring at me and I could hear their conversation.

            "I think she slept with Mr. Johnson." One girl said. What the hell?

            "Def, she totally banged him." The other said in a high pitch voice. What is wrong with people these days?


            It was lunch and I hadn't seen Jack in any of the classes we had together. I sat in my usual spot and a couple moments later, Jack comes along and plops on the seat across from me. I looked up to face him and he was puffing and was really sweaty.

            "Where were you this morning? Running a marathon?" I asked Jack and he shook his head.

            "Coach made us practice this morning instead of going to class. We have a game and he really wants us to win." Jack explained.

            "Sports over education, huh. Not a very good lesson to teach students." I said and chuckled at the end and Jack nodded in agreement. I wondered why he hasn't talked about the rumour situation, does he just know I don't want to talk about it? "Jack, have you gotten a text like on Friday night?"

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