CHAPTER 4: talented

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            Its been a week since the whole rumour situation. Everyone is still talking about it. People are still talking about me when they see that I'm walking in the halls or outside of school. But no one does that when I'm with Jack. It's like nothing ever happened and they don't know a thing.

            Elliana has constantly been messaging me, calling me names and telling me to go to hell. I never did anything to her, why would she act this way? She would glare at me during class and at lunch. She's been coming up to Jack every lunch, trying to get his attention and pretend like I'm not even there.

            As I walked the halls, all eyes were on me. Disgusted expressions, plastered on most students' faces. I really wished Jack was with me right now. I walked to my locker, avoiding the gazes people were giving me. I took out the books I needed for the next two periods and headed to class.

            I sat in my seat, listening to the teacher lecture us about the subject. The day had gone by pretty quickly and nothing has really happened— until now. I was hit with a paper ball and it landed on my desk. I looked around to see all the students focusing to the front of the classroom. I then proceeded to open up the ball of paper and on the piece of paper, it said; "So now your focusing on the class. You can't fool anyone you little slut. You think you can do whatever you want because you get good grades by banging the teachers? Some people are actually here to get a decent education and use their brain to get good grades. Go to hell you whore."

            I crumbled back the piece of paper and a stray tear fell from eyes and once I noticed it, I quickly wiped it away. I could hear a few giggles at the back of the class and I assumed they were from the students who sent me the vile message. Kids these days can be so cruel.

             As soon as the bell rang, I bolted out of my seat and went straight to the cafeteria, sitting in Jack and I's usual spot. Jack hadn't arrived yet so I sat in my seat and pulled out my lunch. I took a bite out of my sandwich as people continued to stare. Didn't people know it was rude to stare?

            Jack had finally arrived and he looked as happy as ever, I wish I could say the same for me— but no, I'm miserable. He set down his tray on the table and gave me a big smile. I cocked up an eyebrow at him, why's he so happy?

            "What's got you in a good mood?" I asked him as he ate his pizza, that didn't look anything like it.

            He chewed his food and swallowed it, then answering, "Elliana hasn—". As if on cue, Elliana comes running up to our table and sits next to Jack, inching closer towards him.

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