CHAPTER 5: the secret

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            Sometimes, I feel like I'm drowning and there's no one that can save me. The past few weeks have been hell. I get new bruises everyday, just because of Elliana's shoving and pushing, now her little minions are getting involved in the physical bullying too. Constant messages telling me how much of a slut I am and how my body is disgraceful. I don't tell anyone, I don't want to drag them into my problems. They'll just feel sorry for me and pity me, but there's nothing they can do about it.

            I cry myself to sleep every night, with the thoughts of all the mean messages in my mind. Every time I try to close my eyes, pictures of people looking at me with disgusted faces appear. I try to think everything will be alright, but I don't think that day will ever come. I act as though nothing is happening whenever I'm around my parents, and I tell my parents everything. I act as though I don't cry and break down every night when I'm with Jack, and he's my best friend. I try my hardest to avoid Elliana and her posse, but her bullying never stops. When is it gonna end?

            "Davina!" A voice shouted at me, breaking me out of trance. I quickly was pulled back into reality and made aware of my surroundings.

            I was in the front of the school, sitting on one of the benches. Not many people were around, mainly because everyone usually hangs out on the other side of the school. Jack was seated in front of me, staring at me with his eyebrow raised. I blinked a few times at him.

            "Sorry what?" I asked him, he was probably talking but I clearly wasn't listening.

            "I said, you, me, my house today. We're gonna hang out and you're gonna listen to some songs I've written." Jack said to me and I nodded.

            The bell then rang, indicating that we should be heading to class now if we don't wanna be late.

            "I'll see you at lunch, bye!" Jack said and walked off to class.

            I stood up and walked to the first class I had. Some students were already in their seats and I walked to the back of the class. The teacher came in and a student following behind him. Mrs. Adams spoke to the boy and pointed to the seat next to me, I'm guessing he told the boy to sit there.

            The lesson started and the teacher started speaking about what we were going to do today. She said she was going to put us in partners and we were going to have to do a project.

            "Ariana Warren and Kyle Rivas. Carrie Edwards and Grace Damford." Mrs. Adams read out the pairs. She continued to list more students name and then she called out my name, "Davina Stanton and Cade Hale."

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