CHAPTER 9: insecurities

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             Davina looked at herself in the mirror, disgusted with the image that was staring back at her. She was in her bra and shorts and she turned to the side, looking at her stomach. It wasn't flat like all the other girls at school.

             She sucked in her stomach, wishing that her body was as slimmer than it was. Davina put her hands around her upper arm, loathing that that it looked fat. She hated her body, and it was her biggest insecurity.

             Standing on the scale, the numbers came and as she read it, she felt even more horrible. What was happening? She hadn't eaten much the past weeks, had it been doing nothing? Davina sat on the floor and put her arms around herself. She hated herself and her body. Why couldn't she be slim like the other girls?

             It pained her to even look at herself and to think about how she couldn't be as beautiful as the other girls. She felt that when people saw her, they saw her as some fat pig that no one would even talk to. She may have smarts, but she most definitely was not beautiful.

             Her warm tears stained her cheek as she cried on the bathroom floor, tightening her grip around her body. All Davina wanted was to stop the pain she was feeling, to stop her worries from filling her brain.

             Davina couldn't sleep a wink that night. She cried, which she knew would make her eyes puffy in the morning— but she would deal with that when she woke up. She looked over to her window, seeing rays of light coming through her curtain and she knew that she had to get ready in a few hours to go to school and do the same routine she's been doing for the past week— go to class, at recess, go to the library to do schoolwork, go to class, at lunch, go to the library to do schoolwork, go to class, go home and even more schoolwork.

             Although she still had 2 hours until she had go get out of bed, she took off her blankets and walked to the bathroom. When she turned on the lights, the bright light stung her eye, causing her to squint until her eyes adjusted to the light. Looking onto the mirror, she could see her eyes puffy and red and she had to do something about it, or her parents or anyone would be suspicious. The last thing she wanted was for someone to ask her if she had been crying.

             Heading downstairs, she made her way to the kitchen and opened the freezer, taking out an ice pack. She pressed the cool pack on to her eyes, the cold compress making her feel refreshed. This was a trick she learnt that made her puffy eyes less swollen, it really helped her enormously because off all the nights she's spent crying.

             When she made her way to school, she felt so lonely. She had no Cade to walk by her side and continuously talk about how hot the guys were at school, because it was his secret, he couldn't rant about it to anyone except for her. He wasn't there by her side to tell her that people giving her stares were idiots who solely judged people by what they hear and not what they truthfully know about her. She also didn't have Jack.

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