CHAPTER 17: cade hale doesn't have a girlfriend

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             Since Davina's return, she didn't make a lot of new friends. It seemed as though she was a stranger among her grade, even though everybody knew her from the tragic situation. But, no one talked about it, which was unexpected and she was truly grateful for it. All she wanted to do was move on.

            On most days, she would had Violet and Audrey as company during lunch, but sometimes they would stray away, too curious to find out gossip from other students. Davina didn't mind though because truth be told, she knew she would never be that close with the pair, considering she didn't relate much with the topics they talked about. So when she closed her locker and revealed the person leaning next to it, het mouth gaped open in surprise.

            She threw her arms around his body, which was now even muscular and more fit. She was in shock by how grown and mature he looked. She really missed her best friend.

            "I can't believe you're actually here, Davina." Cade gave a wide smile, a smile that showed his  true happiness and how grateful he was about seeing the girl in front of him once again. "I really thought you would never come back, I guess you missed me too much, didn't you?"

            "I don't remember you having such a big head there Cade." Davina laughed, but her face then became serious. "I'm sorry I didn't call."

            Cade shook his head, "No, don't worry about it. I completely understand you needed space and time to heal. I'm glad you did because look at you, you're here. When did you come back?"

            "A couple weeks ago." She responded as they walked to class, she wanted to inform him about everything that had been going in her life. "It's been a little overwhelming, being reminded of what happened all those years, but I returned because I wanted to finish what had started. To end things on a high note."

            "Have you seen Elliana?" Cade's face displayed an expression of worry and nervousness for his dear friend.

            "Actually, yeah." Davina nodded with a smile, "I didn't let her step all over me and talk me down. It felt like all this weight I've accumulated all these years have been lifted off my shoulders. I'm really not scared of her anymore."

            "I'm really proud of you Davina, I can tell you've really matured and healed after all these years." Cade put an arm around Davina's shoulder as they continued walking to their destination.

            When lunch rolled around that day, Davina had a very interesting experience. She had only known Violet and Audrey for a week and already knew about their interest in the senior class, but on this particular day, she got to see both of them in action. The lunch consisted of the two bombarding Cade with questions about his vacation, which he didn't mind at all. He went into great detail about touring Europe with his family and trying all the different foods and cultures. Violet and Audrey's eyes filled with glee as they felt so much closer to him by just knowing a few facts about Cade's life. They were definitely in full fangirl mode.

            As the topic changed to how Cade was friends with Davina, his answers became vague, not wanting to speak too much about freshman year. He wanted Davina to experience senior year without any drama, he cared too much about her welfare. He knew exactly who Violet and Audrey were, they weren't nicknamed the tattle twins for nothing. The last thing Cade wanted was rumours circulating about Davina.

            "So how do you and Davina know each other?" Audrey asked, looking at Violet who nodded in agreement to her question.

            "We were friends during freshman year." Cade responded, taking a bite out of his apple.

            "That's so cool." Violet leaned her head on the palm of her hand, admiring Cade's face. She would never say it out loud or admit it to anyone, except of Audrey, she had a little crush on the Hale boy, but most of the girls at school also did. "You and Davina must have been really close, to still be friends after all these years. Davina did move to a different school, right?"

            "Yeah I did, but I decided to come back." Davina answered, eyeing Cade.

            "But why?" Audrey questioned, sparking with curiosity. 

            "Uhm..." Davina trailed off, not wanting to really speak about it. Just like a guardian angel, a voice saved her from answering the Audrey's question, but it was non other than the devil like person herself, Elliana.

            "Cade, you're back." Elliana smirked, "There's awfully been a lot of returns this year, wonder who's next."

            "I didn't know you paid that much attention to anyone other than yourself." Cade snapped back, after all the years he had to put up with, he still strongly disliked her.

            "Did you catch something while you were on vacation? I don't think I really like this version of you." Elliana then looked at the two sophomores sitting on the table and grinned as they look at her with fear. Her eyes travelled to Davina, who sat there with a bored expression on her face, she really wasn't in the mood for Elliana's rude remarks.

            "Seemed like you two have gotten acquainted with each other again. I really wish you weren't so attached to her, Cade, seems like she's poisoned you or something." Elliana then leaned towards the group and whispered, "If you ask me, I don't think you two make a good couple anyway."

            As Elliana walked away, Cade and Davina stared at each other and then broke into a fit of laughter. Audrey and Violet looked at the two, confused and Violet felt disappointed, she didn't know that Cade and Davina liked each other romantically. Her hopes of even having a chance with him was now long gone.

            "So you guys are dating each other?" Audrey raised her brows, if this was true, everyone would be coming to her about the news, her name would be talked about for knowing that Cade Hale, one of the most liked boy in the school, had a girlfriend!

            Cade wiped a tear from his eyes, "Oh my god, I actually can't believe that."

            Davina smiled at Cade and then looked at Violet and Audrey, "No, we're not dating. Us two are nowhere near even liking each other romantically."

            Violet let out a breath she was not aware of holding. She was relieved, Cade Hale didn't have a girlfriend.

AN: i've literally disappeared from this app for months. i've grown out of liking why don't we, but i still very much enjoy their music and adore them. i still know what's happening in the fandom and such, but i'm really not that obsessed with them anymore. i'm still going to continue and hopefully finish story, even though it's so far from the end. hope you guys are happy with this update. i might post another one, and the next will be very exciting and definitely answer a bunch of questions that will lead to more unanswered questions. 

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