CHAPTER 7: the beginning of the end

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           Davina woke up with a smile on her face, though she really didn't know why. All week she was still hurt by Elliana and her group, to the point that she became even more terrified if it didn't happen. She would automatically think they were planning something even worse to do to her. Nonetheless, Davina felt that something good was going to happen today, though she was only partly correct.

            As she came to school, people still gave her those awful stares, something you would not like to experience everyday. She tried to ignore them, though in the back of her mind, all she wanted to do was have the courage to tell them it was rude to stare– but she didn't have the gut to do it. It was like she was in a theme park and was invited to go on a scary ride. She wanted to have the courage to overcome the fear inside of her and do it, but the consequences of the aftermath scared her.

            She walked to her locker, as usual, taking out the books she needed for the next two periods. As she closed her locker, she noticed that Jack was on the side, leaning on a locker. The sudden presence of him made Davina jump, causing her to put her hand on her chest.

            "You startled me!" Davina said, nudging Jack on the shoulder.

           "When do ever not scare you?" Jack chuckled, "You're just too easy to scare."

            "Okay, Mr Popstar." She rolled her eyes playfully.

            "Anyways, I went to the store yesterday," Jack said. "With Isla, of course. I got you something."

            Jack reached into his back pocket, two rings were on the palm of his hand– one a little smaller than the other. Both rings had a silver band and from where she was standing, Davina could see that there were letters carved onto them.

            "What are they?" Davina questioned, looking at them, "Are you getting married or something?"

            Jack laughed and shook his head, "No, they're friendship rings."

            "Friendship rings?" She repeated, looking up at him.

            "I know it's kinda cheesy," He quickly said, "I just thought that, you're someone that I'm really close to. You have a special place in my, and my family's, hearts. I sometimes think that Isla may like you more than me."

             "That is a little cheesy, but it's also really sweet." Davina smiled, pulling Jack into a hug.

              Once they pulled apart, Jack gave her the smaller ring and Davina put it on her finger. She observed the carvings on her ring.

            "It has my name on it." Jack spoke and she took her eyes off the ring and put her attention towards the boy in front of her. "My ring has your name on it."

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