CHAPTER 15: the first confrontation

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             "Davina Stanton is back!"

             "Wait what?"

             "Anaiya just saw her at her locker! Davina is back!"

             "Oh my god, does Elliana know?"

             "I need to tell Wilson about this."

             "How do you think Elliana will react?"

             "I can't believe she's back after the incident."

             These were some of the things the students of Richmond High were discussing. The return of the Davina Stanton and the infamous incident that happened 3 years ago. Words were travelling fast, just as they always were, and it was only a matter of time until Elliana Fower's minions would hear of the news and come running to Elliana.

             That happened only a second after Davina had encountered Audrey and Violet. When Tegan, a sophomore heard about the news and other students talking abut how Elliana would react, she knew Elliana had to know herself. She praised Elliana and would do anything for her, which is the reason why she would come at Elliana's beck and call.

             Tegan rushed over to Elliana at the cafeteria. She saw Elliana discussing something with her friends and they seemed to be laughing and making jokes, which they were because they cruelly made fun of the girl they saw in the hallway trip and break her glasses, then crawling on the floor due to not being able to see without her glasses. Tegan didn't know if she should interrupt their conversation, knowing that if she did she would be humiliated by the queen bee herself. But, because of all the talk she heard about it, this news about the return of this girl Davina must be something that Elliana must know.

             "Elliana?" Tegan said nervously and the girls stopped laughing. Elliana turned to Tegan with an intimidating look. She rose up an eyebrow, indicating for the girl– who she did not know the name of– to continue. "I overheard people talk about this girl returning. I thought you should know because apparently you would react in a certain way because of it."

             -"And who is this girl?" Elliana said in a flat tone, a bored look on her face.

             "Um- uh, Davina Stanton."

             -The two girls, Alycia and Simone, in front of Elliana eyes went wide and looked at each other in surprise. Elliana was in shock for a moment and chuckled slightly. "How sure are you that this is true?"

             "People said they saw her in class and walking in the hallways." Tegan stated.

             Elliana looked back at the two girls in front of her and then glanced around the cafeteria room. She looked at every face and she almost missed it, but in the corner, she spotted the girl she despised the most and it was definitely Davina Stanton.

             She stood up abruptly, with Alycia, Simone and Tegan trailing behind her, heading over to the table that Davina was seated at. As she got closer, she could see her clearly. Davina had definitely matured and even grew to be more beautiful but Elliana would never admit that nor even compliment her in any way. She saw that there were two girls joining her at the table, though she couldn't care less about them.

             As Davina, Audrey and Violet were in the middle of a conversation, Elliana stopped and laughed, catching the attention of all three girls at the table. Davina stared at Elliana, but Elliana did notice that she no longer had that fear in her eyes.

             "I didn't believe it when I heard about you returning, Davina. What a lovely surprise." Elliana grinned. "Welcome back."

             "Hey Elliana." Davina said, without an ounce of fear or nervousness laced in her voice. "It's nice to see you too. I missed Richmond and I wanted to experience it with a new perspective, so I came back. I'm really happy to see a familiar face. It doesn't look like you've changed."

             "Did you expect me to become an angel in the past three years?" Elliana said in a mocking baby voice, somehow trying to tease Davina. "Are you really that scared of me?"

             Davina smiled, "Actually, no. You may not have changed from your... ways, but I have. I'm really not scared of you anymore Elliana."

             Elliana looked at Davina with looks that could kill. Her jaw clenched and she gave Davina a smile that was intended to be kind, and for once, she walked away as she rolled her eyes. And that was the first time Davina stood up against Elliana, and she was more than proud of herself.

             Davina laid on her back, as she waited for the facetime request on her phone. The phone ringed until the face of her best friend popped up on the screen. She smiled brightly, she missed her goofy, rosy cheeked little brother.

             "Hey Zach!" Davina greeted him. It was nice to see face again.

             "Davina!" Zach screamed, not caring at how loud he was being.

             "How are you? Is everything going alright?" Davina asked. She hadn't been able to catch up with Zach in a long time since he had joined a band. Which when she thought of how her best friend and former best friend was both in a band, she found it weird and intimidating. They were both famous and living a life pursuing their dreams while she was still stuck in highschool.

             "Davina, stop being a mom." Zach joked and Davina only rolled her eyes, "I'm doing fine and I'm about to go to the studio to record some more music with the guys."

             "As I expect you would be." Davina smiled. Davina didn't know a lot about Zach's life in LA. They didn't discuss it much because they both agreed that if they discussed it, Davina would miss him even more. So, Davina didn't actually know who was in the band with Zach, only knowing some of their names, more specifically Daniel and Corbyn. She remembered them because Zach would always refer to them as the guy with the long neck and the real life jack frost.

             "So how has Dallas been? Have I missed anything?" Zach questioned. He was still not informed to the fact that Davina had moved back to Philadelphia. Davina knew how he would react. He would get mad at her for putting herself near the people who treated her badly at school and he would probably have gone into protective little brother mode, probably even flying to Dallas just to prevent her from going.

             "No, nothing much. My life isn't very interesting with you around. Yours probably is because of your new album out and your famous pop star life." Davina laughed. She hated lying to him, but she didn't want him to get so worked up. She knew that he was already tired from always doing shows, interviews, recording and writing new songs. Davina didn't want to burden him with worrying about her since he has so much already on his plate.

             "I miss you, Davina." Zach sighed, "Life here can be really hectic and sometimes I really just need to see your face to cheer me up."

             "You know you can always call me whenever you need. I'm always free. You're more important than anything. You know that." Zach nodded and then a loud voice could be heard through the phone screen.

             "Come on, Zachary, we're leaving!"

             "Okay, okay, hold on j-dong." Zach screamed back and then laughed.

             "J-dong?" Davina questioned, confused about the name.

             "We all have nicknames for each others. We're weird, I know." Zach shrugged then waved goodbye, "I have to go now but I'll text you later! Bye, I love you Davina!"

             "Bye, Zach. I love you too."

AN: double upload because i haven't updated in like 29493992 years

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