CHAPTER 6: big sister

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            "Come on, Davina! Let's go on the swing!" Little Isla said, dragging me around the playground.

            I was currently out with Jack and his little sister, Isla. We were at the park and Isla insisted that I hang out with her instead of Jack. Jack was sulking and telling Isla that she was stealing me away from him, but Isla did not feel guilty at all.

            "I'm coming, I'm coming!" I responded. I turned to Jack, who was not too far behind us, and he was shaking his head, causing me to laugh softly at him. I turned back to Isla, who was already, sitting on the swing.

            "Push me, Davi! Push me as high as you can!" She exclaimed, she was too excited to go on that swing, but it was the most adorable thing ever.

             I've always wanted a sibling. I hated always being alone stuck at home whenever my parents would go out. Non of my babysitters would play with me. As soon as my parents left, they would send me to bed immediately and do whatever adult things they were doing. I wanted having someone you can look after or have someone that you can look up to.

            I started pushing Isla on the swing, making sure not to push her too hard or I'll probably be convicted of murdering a child by pushing her off a swing and landing on her face. So, I was careful. Isla was swinging her legs and had a huge smile on her face, I loved how happy she looked, how innocent she looked.

            "Higher! Higher!" Isla yelled as she was laughing.

            Jack then came over and stopped the swing as Isla pouted.

            "I said higher, not lower." Isla said and then pointed at Jack, "You are a party pooper, mister!"

            Isla flipped her long hair in Jack's face and walked away and hid behind me. Jack had his face scrunched and had his eyes clothes. I heard Isla giggle behind me and I started laughing because of how Isla just sassed Jack. After opening his eyes, Jack stared at me with as I laughed along with Isla, he didn't look too impressed. A grin made a way on his face as he rushed behind me and picked up Isla, throwing her over his shoulders.

            "Did you just sass me, Isla?" Jack said, sounding serious, but I could see his adorable smile off his creeping up on his face.

           "Put me down! Jacky please!" Isla screamed, laughing. I stared at how adorable they looked, I loved their brother-sister relationship.

            Jack finally put Isla down and ran up to me, hugging me on the side.

            "I thought you didn't like the nickname Jacky?" I stated and raised my eyebrow up.

            "Only Isla can call me that." He retorted. I made an 'o' face and nodded.

            I looked down at Isla who was still holding on to me with a wide smile. I went down so that I was up to her height and took her hands. I smirked mischievously and whispered in her ear.

            "Do you want to get Jack back for being a party pooper?" I whispered to her and she nodded with pure excitement in her eyes. "We're gonna go up to him and start tickling him, okay?"

            Once Isla knew our plan, I stood up. We both looked over to Jack who had his eyebrows raised and a confused expression on his face. I nodded to Isla and we both charged towards him and started tickling him— which I should inform you, went horribly wrong. Jack managed to be able to let go out of our grasp and started tickling me. He knew I was ticklish and he used that as his advantage. As Jack was torturing me and me screaming for him to stop, Isla was laughing on the sidelines, clearly enjoying herself.

           "Jack stop!— Jack!" I said, in between laughs. He finally let go and I slapped him on the shoulder. "That was not funny." I pouted.

            "You both started it," He said, "We should get going now, it's getting late."

            "No! I don't want Davina to leave us yet!" Isla pouted, clinging onto my arm.

           "Davina is probably tired from you dragging her, Isla. Give the girl a rest." Jack laughed.

            I smiled at Isla and went down to her level. I pushed the strands of hair in her face behind her ear. "We'll see each other tomorrow, okay? Jack will keep you entertained before then."

            "But, Jack isn't a girl! I want to have a big sister. I want you to be my big sister and always play with me, Jacky doesn't do that." She said and looked at me with her eyes. She was absolutely adorable and I would've stayed longer, but my mom told me to come home earlier as we were going to have a family movie night.

            "I'm sorry, bubs. I can't stay longer. I'm always gonna be your big sister, but for now, Jack can be your big sissy." I turned to Jack and raised an eyebrow at him, "Right, Jack?"


             "You agree to play dolls with little Isla and be her big sissy." I repeated to him and he raised his eyebrows but I gave the say-yes-or-else-i-will-hurt-you type of look.

            "Yes?" He said, saying it as more of a question. I flashed him a quick smile and then turned to Isla.

            "I'm going to miss you!" Isla said, hugging me tightly. Her short hands wrapped around me as I embraced her.

           "I'll see you very soon, don't worry, little I." I spoke softly.


AN: This was a much shorter chapter as I just wanted to show Isla and Davina's relationship. Jack and Isla's relationship in real life are absolutely adorable so I wanted to include it in this story. For the purpose of the story, Jack only has one sister and that is Isla. Sydnie and Ava aren't included but I do love them just as much. I will definitely include them in my other stories.

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