CHAPTER 8: blindsided

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             Jack had no idea what he was getting into. He wasn't thinking properly when he agreed to whatever Elliana had devised in her head. He was started doubting himself as he agreed to be involved with her so called 'plan'. Jack wasn't someone who would intentionally hurt someone for his own needs and wants, but things were changing, and he didn't even know it himself.

             "It's quite simple," Elliana spoke and started to walk the opposite direction of where Davina and Cade were hugging outside. She motioned for Jack to follow her and he turned to look at the two friends hugging, his jaw clenching at the sight. He then proceeded to follow her and Elliana smirked. "The easiest way to get someone is if you make them realise they actually have feelings for you."

             "And how would you do that?" Jack asked.

             "By making them jealous. By dating me." Elliana responded and Jack stopped walking. Elliana had realised and stopped in front of him, staring at his surprised expression.

             "Date you?" He stopped himself from laughing as he imagined ever dating someone as cruel as Elliana, "I'm sorry but, that is never going to happen."

             Elliana's jaw clenched and took sighed, "Look, you're desperate and I'm here to help. If you don't want my help, your best friend is going to end up with Cade. You don't want that, do you?"

             Jack ran his fingers through his hair messily and responded, "Fine."


             "But don't think I have any feelings for you, whatsoever." He added.

             After that day, nothing had been the same. But, it only started changing slowly and Davina started feeling distant with Jack. He had spent almost every lunch time at football practice and would sometimes talk during class. Davina was more focused in class and worked harder, more determined than ever to prove anyone who believed the rumours spreading about her.

             Her lunch time consisted of doing extended school work as Cade sat next to her, scolding her for using up her break to do school work and not relaxing and eating. Davina would always respond telling him that she needed to keep up her grades and she was eating after school. But, he still wouldn't listen.

             "I haven't seen you eat all day! You look tired, exhausted and I can see how thin you're getting." Cade said, "You need to eat! This is dangerous and if I swear if you don't eat–"

             "Can you shut up!" She yelled and the whole cafeteria went silent. Everyone was looking at her once again and instantly regretted the attention she brought to herself. Davina sighed and packed away her stuff. She put her bag on her shoulder and stormed out of the cafeteria.

             Elliana watched the whole scene and smirked at how everything was going. She saw Cade shook his head as she ran out of the cafeteria and she stood up, walking over to him.

             "Trouble in paradise?" She asked, a sly smile plastered on her face.

             "Go away Elliana." He mumbled, not even bothering to look at her.

             "You know, she's really good at getting all of her 'friends' to leave her. You'll see who she truly is soon enough, Cade."

             "I said, go away Elliana!"

             The next day, when Davina was at her locker, a group of girls were on the other side of the hall, chatting loudly with each other. She could clearly hear their conversations, even with all the noise all the students were making.

             "Did you know that Elliana and Jack are dating now?" One girl said.

             "No," Another girl said in disbeleif, "I thought Jack hated Elliana."

             "Of course he does, everyone doesn't like Elliana." The girls laughed, but all of them knew it was true.

             "It's true though, everyone saw them sucking their faces off in front of the school. It's official."

             The girls were now looking at Davina that was across from them. She could feel their eyes, she was getting good at noticing everyone's stares, considering she experienced it everyday. "I feel bad for her. Jack just left her for Elliana."

             "Well, he probably left her because of the rumours. Who knows, Jack probably found out that she actually did sleep with one of the teac–"

             Before the girl could finish her sentence, Davina slammed her locker hard and walked away, not wanting to hear any of their conversations. She had heard enough. She had heard enough to know that her best friend was now dating a vile, cruel, horrible manipulator. It was always obvious to her that Jack didn't like Elliana one bit. But maybe, she didn't know him at all.

             The whole day went terrible for Davina. She could not focus in class and the teachers saw that she wasn't acting like she usually would. At lunch, she spent her time in the library, avoiding Cade. To avoid his annoying repetitive questions, Davina decided that it was easier if she didn't talk to him at all.

             When the final bell rang, she dashed out of the school building to quickly head home. She had successfully avoided Cade all day, but he ran after her and called out her name.

             "Davina wait up!" He yelled, "Look, I need to talk to you!"

             Davina stopped and turned around, "I don't want to talk to you!"

             "I know you heard about Elliana and Jack getting together. But the thing is, I think something fishy is going on!" He told her and Davina shook her head.

             "Jack likes Elliana, Elliana likes Jack. How is that fishy?"

             "It was so clear that Jack despised Elliana. Why would he even–"

             "I don't care if Jack and Elliana are dating! He can do whatever he wants. I'm not affected by it, as long as he's happy. I'm suppose to be happy for my best friend, no matter what." Davina interrupted him.

             Just then, Jack and Elliana walked out of the front door, hand in hand. She kissed his cheek and he smiled at her like he was totally head over heals for her. Jack saw Davina and clenched his jaw as he noticed Cade standing in front of her.

             "Babe, are we going to your house?" Elliana said, loudly.

             Jack hadn't taken his eyes off of Davina. He desperately wanted to talk to her, but Elliana clearly told him that the plan would only work if he avoided and not spoke a word to her. He looked at Elliana, "Uh, yeah."

             Davina's eyes followed the couple as they passed her. She felt worried and hurt. She knew what type of person Elliana was, what if she had intentions of hurting Jack? She faced Cade and opened her mouth to tell him how happy Jack looked with Elliana, but before she could Cade spoke.

             "If Jack was really your best friend, he wouldn't be dating the person who he knew was spreading rumours and blatantly saying cruel things to your face."

             With that, he walked away.

             And that was it, another friend who she lost because of her stubborn attitude. Maybe this is why Jack left me too, Davina said to herself.

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