chapter one

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"Well Niall, what can I say? I'm offended. I haven't seen you in months and you are going to make me be your third wheel!" I say trying to be as quiet as possible without shouting. Niall and I are best friends, we've been mates since we were little fetus'.Because of University and it being such a massive pain in the arse, Niall and I barely get to see each other. On top of that we live in different cities.

Every few months, I fly to see Niall or he flies to see me and we hang out together for a few days. It's a lot of fun and it's become a tradition. However this time Niall's in town, it is only for one night and he has planned to catch up with another mate. This so called friend is going to be attending or rather should I say bombard our dinner plans. I was pissed, man was I pissed but I was just stirring the pot with Niall at this point, trying to make him feel bad because that's what best mates do.

My thoughts are interrupted as Niall stands from his chair at the sight of someone at the doors behind me. I turn my head and my eyes are captivated by a tall figure walking in the grand doors, approaching our table.

This must be Niall's mate. He was sexy as hell. I'll give Niall some credit for ruining our friend sevening. I was completely taken by him, how attractive he was. I'd never seen someone so prepossessing in my life. From what I could see every girl in this restaurant noticed him walk in, as if he has some sort of electric force that lures women to feel his presence. The women's panties were practically falling at their feet at the very sight of him, as were mine.

He was almost at our table. In a swift motion he pulls his black Raybands from his face and slips them into his black t-shirt. As he gets closer my eyes find their way to his perfectly sculpted face and hair. He has dark, long hair pushed off his face into a very messy quiff, with slight curls peeking from the side of his head. His eyes; an electrifying green. And the most prominent and beautiful feature, of all are his very pink and perfectly, plump lips. He notices me staring and he smirks, pleased with himself. I bite my lip and flush, embarrassed that he noticed me staring.

I turn my head back to Niall's Direction. He is standing in front of me waiting to meet Mr Pink Lips.

"Hey mate!" Niall shouts in excitement while reaching to hug his friend. I sit awkwardly waiting, for there moment to be over. If this guy was such a good and old friend of Niall, why haven't I ever heard of him or even seen him before, it didn't make any sense to me. They hug for what seemed like ages. Maybe there were lovers or something. Niall seems to be as taken with him as I was. Maybe he has an effect on males too. Niall releases him, smiling. He gestures to his friend to take a seat next to him, opposite me. He ignores me though and takes his seat.

Niall speaks first, "Harry, this is Eva." Well, well his name is Harry, it fits him perfectly. Dark and Mysterious, Harry. Sounds about right. He is so attractive, wow. I cannot believe my own thoughts I've never been this affected by someone. I mean he hasn't said anything to me yet, all I've done is stare at him. This just makes no sense. Usually it takes a lot more. He looks up at me and right into my eyes. Oh wow. I felt like I was taking my final breathe, like all the air that was flowing inside of me, was just gone, in that moment.

He has the most beautiful pair of eyes I've ever seen. Before I can get a hold of myself, he looks back down at his hands that are holding an iPhone. He starts to type and ignores me once again. That was rather rude. Niall speaks again. "Eva, this is Harry." He looks up; I'm staring at him as if he's the only person in the restaurant. He notices me and I see the side of his lip start to lift into a smirk. 'Damn you' I mentally cuss at him. He is such an arse, he hasn't said anything to me at all. But I find his bad boy appeal really hot. Oh dear, Eva get your shit together.

He and Niall seem to completely forget I'm sitting there. They start to have a private conversation while I sit and twiddle my thumbs. I lift my elbows to sit on the table. I sigh into my palms and rub my temples gently being aware not to rub any of my foundation off my face.

I knew this would happen that I would end up third wheeling, sit there forgotten.

A long strand of my silver hair falls into my face; I don't even bother putting it behind me ear. Instead I look at it; I really like its colour. It's been a dream of mine to have this type of hair since I was a young teenager. I'd always wanted to have silver hair and now I do and I love it.

Niall and Harrys conversation seems to have ended and I now hear silence from across the table. I lift my head slowly to look at Niall. He is typing away on his phone, how antisocial of him. I look directly in front of me to Harrys, his gaze is on me. Those eyes again, they're so beautifully green, quite like a cat, but not in an evil way, they're gentle.

My cheeks start to heat, why is he looking at me? I need to leave this awkwardness right now. I shuffle from my seat and grab my bag, which is on the chair next to me. I push my chair back and rise from the table, causing Niall to look up from his phone. "Please, do excuse me, I just need the toilet." Niall nods. Not bothering to look at Harry I turn around in a huff and start to search for the bathroom.

I spot the 'Ladies' bathroom sign. I start walking towards it. But I am grabbed from behind.

I let out a shriek and a hand covers my mouth. Oh God, what am I going to do? No one is around to help me. I think back to High School, we had to take some self-defence classes. You know what to do Eva. I pull my elbow out of the persons grasp and position it behind my back to elbow the attacker in the stomach. I breathe out and with all the power I can I push my elbow back and it goes right into the person's hard stomach. I wince at the sharp in my elbow. I think that hurt me more that it was supposed to.

In a quick spin, I am pushed up and now held against the wall, my attacker is revealed. "Harry?" What the actual hell. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You can't just grab people a...ann...and push them against walls." I struggle to get the last part out. I notice how close in proximity we are. Oh God. What was possibly going through his mind, is he some sort of psychopath? It's not like were mates, we technically haven't even met.

"Someone's pissy." He laughs.

"Excuse me? I am not being pissy. You grabbed me and pushed me against a wall. How on earth fo you expect me to react to that? That's....." He presses his finer to my lips, silencing me. "You're really hot, when you're annoyed." What? Now I'm sure he's a psychopath. "You're rude!" And very hot, my conscious adds. "What was the point of this? Other than giving me a heart attack, and a sore elbow? I rub my elbow for a more dramatic affect. It really was hurting quite badly.

He releases me. "Nothing, sorry about your elbow." He has got the most amazing voice; it's so deep and husky. "I better get back to the table babe." With that he turns around and sets off back to the table.

What the hell just happened?

I hope you like it! Comment what you think so far! 

~Chelsea x

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