2. I Can't Believe It

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My mom was smiling but I was shaking my head. I took the test from her same sized small hands.

"It's positive baby girl."

I smiled very lightly. How will Lucas feel? Or Riley. Farkle and Zay? Smackle or Topanga and Corey.

I start to panic. I don't wanna be a single mom. I need Lucas. I can't believe it.

I get up and hug my mom. She kisses my warm forehead and I sit back down on the floor.
A million throw ups later and I feel better. I look in the mirror and lift my shirt up. I do a small little scoff and smile. I look down and talk to the very small somewhat of a baby.

"I love you." I whisper and Shawn comes in and i jumped a little. He smiles and pulls me in for a hug.

"Y-you're not mad?" I stutter while looking down. He chuckles slightly and shakes his head no. I look up at his happy face and smile back at him.

"I'm gonna be a grandpa! " he squeals and I laugh. We walk out and my mom has a cute little dinner set out.

I hear a knock on the door and I open it. I look at the person.

I bite my lip and he smiles at me. Shawn and my mom gasp and I look at them. Both of their cheeks getting red. Lucas looks confused and I just slam the door on him.

I stand there and just look at the door as my hand is still up in the chilly air. I slowly back up and Shawn opens the door.

"Hey Lucas! Glad to see you!!" Shawn spits out and hugs him. I hide my face and wrap a blanket around me. Lucas sits me down and unwraps the blanket. He puts his finger under my chin and lifts my small head up.

I look into his emerald green eyes and smile. He smiles back and touches my stomach. He can tell my breath stopped and began uneven.

His mouth opens and he stands up slowly.
"Are...are you pregnant?" Lucas asked me.

I tear up and nod my head slowly. I hear a soft gasp escape his lips.
"I'm so sorry Lucas! I thought we would be safe enough and ugh I'm so stupid I'm sorry I get if you wanna le-" I was cut off by his small thin lips against my bigger plump ones.

I hear someone in the background do an aw sound but I didn't care to find out. We disconnect our soft lips and touch foreheads.

"I can't wait to be a dad." I chuckle and wrap my arm loosely around his neck and bring him in another kiss.

"And I can't wait to be a mom." I say against his lips. He pulls me in for a tight and long passionate hug.

I pull an arm out for Shawn and Lucas pulls one out for my mom. We all stay in that position for a good minute or so.

Once we disconnect we all go to the table and admire my moms delicious work. I'm starving so I just gulped mine all down while everyone was halfway. My mom chunked knowing that it's my cravings.

Did they come that soon? I'm new to this. I'm just glad I don't have to go to high school with a baby bump.

I get up politely and grab some chicken nuggets from earlier and eat those. I see Lucas's green eyes go wide and I giggle, sitting back down.
"Lucas look at me. Do you actually want to be with me for this baby? Because if I find out you were lying, I will never speak to you again."

Lucas stares at me and walks over to where I'm standing. He touches my stomach and puts his forehead against mine. He lifts my shirt up to where my bra ends and lowers himself.

He rubs my extremely small baby bump and kisses it. I can feel his gentle warm breath against my skin, knowing he is saying something to the child.

Lucas gets back up and wraps his arms around my waist tightly.
"What did you say?"

He smiled at me and took me in the bathroom.
"Look in the mirror. That's what the child is going to see. His beautiful mother. And his sexy dad." He said the last part laughing.

I give him a look and laugh.
"Maya, you're beautiful and you need to know that. So does this baby when you two first meet. Even though you're 18 and pregnant, you're still the same Maya Hart that I know. Don't ever think the opposite of that. I'm in this with you Maya and so are your parents."

I look him in the mirror and then I look at myself. I nod and smile, turning myself around and placing a long happy kiss on his lips.

He picks me up and puts me on my counter and keeps his warm hands around my waist. We disconnect our lips and he smiles at me.

" I love you."
"I love you too pancakes."

I giggle and get off from the counter and we cuddle in bed. He plants kisses over my small body and I do little giggles.

Now we have to tell everyone else.

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