36. Party

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It's the day! Maya is turning 19 and I have a ton of things to do. First, get Kane and take him downstairs. 

So I get up from the warm bed, making sure not to disturb Maya, walk over to the crib and pick him up.

"Morning pumpkin. " I whisper, placing cheek kisses all over. 

I walk downstairs, put him in his rocker and start breakfast. Her first gift is breakfast in bed.

Today, I am going to make her a fruit salad, pancakes with syrup and Turkey bacon, along with scrambled eggs and orange juice.

I'm hoping that she doesnt smell any of the food and jump out of bed.


I put everything on a tray and take it to the bedroom, placing it on the bench at the end of our bed. Then I grab Kane and put him in his crib real quick.

I slowly remove the blanket over Maya's head, revealing her beautiful face.

I place gentle kisses over her jawline, neck and then her lips.

"I'm not getting up." Maya mumbles, turning on her side away from me.

"I have something for you. " I say, turning her on her back.

I grab the tray of food and put it over her legs.

She sits up, her face lights up and her blue eyes sparkle.

"You did this..for me?" She asks, her smile never fading.

"Its just the start to your amazing birthday. " I smile back and place my lips on her soft plump ones.

"Thank you baby. " she says and digs into her breakfast.

I walk over and grab Kane, handing him to Maya as she holds him with her free arm.

"I love you guys. " she giggles and I cuddle up next to my two favorite people ever , enjoying the amazing morning.

After Maya ate, we both took a quick shower and I made sure Riley came over.

I hear a knock on the door while Maya was blow drying her hair.

"Hey riley!" I greet her with a hug.

"Hey cowboy. Where's peaches and baby peaches. " I chuckle and tell her they are upstairs.

She thanks me and runs up to our room.

While Maya is distracted with riley I quickly call the guys, and her family.

I have an amazing plan for Maya's birthday.


I woke up with kisses all over me and a pair of lips on top of mine. As much as it was amazing, I was not in the mood.

I was up all night with Kane because he would not fall asleep. Lucas tried so many times, so I could sleep for my birthday but I had to take care of Kane.

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