Speak of The Devil - Chapter 1

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The sky bled with many shades of orange, blue and purple colours as the sun was setting; slowly dragging out the indigo of night. It was the end of your shift and you just got out from working at your full time job at your local Grocery store. Home wasn't too far; just a few blocks away. Suddenly, a shadowy object from the sky suddenly came soaring downwards and towards you. "What is that!?" You exclaimed to yourself. The object flew even closer and you instinctively had the urge to quickly snatch it from the air; being careful as you can not get a paper cut. It was a bit crumpled. It had small, dry ink splatters and tears all over it. It's surprising on how well it managed to fly despite those tatters and dried splatters. It looked rather old too. You examined it closely and what caught your eye was something written on it. You've decided to open it up more and it revealed to be a letter. The printing wasn't really neat at all. It was very sloppy and it looked like it was written by someone with very uneasy and shakey hands...

Dear whoever is reading this, can you please come to Joey Drew's Studios immediately!? I am in grave danger and I am too weak to defend myself! I need your help! I'll give you more details if you come to see me! P.S Don't be shocked with my appearance... please. I mean no harm to you. I just want help!

You didn't how to react. It was indescribable! Should you be worried? Concerned? What? You thought to yourself for a brief minute. That studio went bankrupt 30 years ago. Who'd want to meet you at some dirty, old building anyway? Even if it's the place where they made those cute, short cartoons about the little devil named Bendy? Especially if they're very self conscious about their appearance? You've continued to ponder about it some more. You were always known to be a very curious sort. You weren't nosy or anything but you'd always wanted to discover things from since you were a kid all the way to your early adulthood. Heck you were even more determined than your parents! You didn't want to get yourself in danger; though, you really felt terrible if that someone wasn't a creepy, old dude and was actually someone who was stuck or something. You understood that there were many things you had to risk in your life. You hated hearing and seeing others go through distress. So screw it. You've decided to go out of your way and venture off towards the glooming animation establishment that was a couple of small building ahead.

The exterior of the building looked terrible! The wood it was made out of was rotting, the logo which was a silhouette of Bendy's head with a bizarre font of the text Joey Drew's Studios looked like it was about to fall off. Another detail to point out was that there were hardly any windows which was a bit odd; how would any of the animators be energized and happy without an enthusiastic boost of sunlight? What was even weirder and just completely gross was that there is black liquid leaking out of the bottom sides of the building. What the hell is it and why is it there? It could be just filthy, old water that bursted out from the piping system but who knows?

"Here goes nothing-" you sighed to yourself as you trailed towards the decaying studio's entrance. You pushed the door open and immediately you almost lost your footing. "AHH!!!" You screamed as you almost fell into a pit that look liked it lead to another section of the studio. Luckily, you've caught your balance and fell backwards. "Phew. That was a close one!" You huffed, "why in the fucking hell is there even a large pit here anyway?" You continued to bicker about it but then paused as the whole floor that was passed the pit was stained with what it appears to be black ink. Strangely, the lights were on and surprisingly worked still despite how long the studio was abandoned. They aren't as bright as they've once been but they still did the job.

"What even happened in here?" You've looked around. Conveniently, there was enough distance for you to leap over. You walked out of the Studio for a brief moment and quickly ran back in so you had enough momentum to leap over. Successfully, you've made it over without falling on the ground and getting your work uniform covered in ink. However, you've landed onto the ground with a big splattering noise under your foot from the landing impact and it caused you to fall forward. You caught yourself with your hands; accidentally smearing them with damp ink from the floor in the process. "Ah, fuck!" You said, grossed out by the feel of the wet floor. You rubbed it off against the wall which also covered in ink which was actually dry and you looked ahead. There were lots of Bendy cutouts sitting around everywhere that were stained with ink. They would've looked cute if it hadn't been for the ink on them but now they look creepy; something that you would've seen out of a horror movie. They've triggered a brief shiver down your spine but you've managed take up all the courage to ignore them. Suddenly, the door you've entered in slammed shut due to the light, cool breeze from the twilight outdoors; like it can't get anymore creepier than it already is in here.

Drawn Together (Bendy x Female Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now