A Change of Pace - Chapter 8

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"So, are ya all ready to go dear?" Asked the surprisingly patient demon who was examining the axe in his hold while also watching you equip your heavy, conveniently-sized bag.

"Yeah... I'm all set. Ready when you are," you answered with sighing a voice, hinting worry and then you offered to take over Bendy's duty, "do you want me to take the axe this time? I think I can handle it well too!"

Bendy gave you an odd look, trying to believe your questioning. "I mean I suppose you could..." Bendy looked at the sturdy weapon in his hand again, "but can ya really handle it? You don't strike me as a fighter and I don't want'cha hurt." Bendy spoke up, looking up at you apprehensively.

"Aw thank you. I think I'll be fine! I'll just swing it around and hope for the best," you said with a bit of dryness within your determined words as you put your hand out for the axe. "Plus it'll be a great little practice for me. You'll watch me of course, right?"

Bendy looked down at the axe again and then back up at you and then lightly smirked at you. "It's not as easy as it looks, heh. Though, I do like yer style! I guess I can lend you my axe so long as ya don't go nuts with it or anythin' along that matter. I can mind ya!" He then held the axe for you take, "just let me know when you're tired and then I can take over, capisce?

"Capisce! I think that's a good plan! Thank you Bendy!" You leaned in slightly and took the tool from him with both of your hands. It was kinda heavy; how was Bendy even able carry it for his short height? "Wow Bendy!How do you even carry this!?" A question slipped out of your mouth.

Bendy chuckled upon your reaction "I'm a pretty strong lil' fella! I workout a lot!" Bendy joked as he posed himself like a bodybuilder. Was he actually joking though?

"You're not Popeye and I haven't even seen you workout before except for ONE episode when you, Boris and Alice all went to the gym and then the Butcher Gang showed up tampering the equipment but you still managed to get all that muscle from working out and then punched all those crooks into the sky!" You explained, and giggled a little. "Not gonna lie, that was a pretty funny and an amusing episode back then!"

Bendy laughed and looked back at the good ol' times from his universe. "Oh yeah hehe! Boy, I miss my nice pecs and my brawny six pack... But how do ya think I could handle those goofballs in the every episode whenever they decide to show up, eh?"

"Well then I guess that's probably why, 'cause you're a brute!" You smiled gently and then went to the door entrance but then spun around on your toes to face the nostalgic devil, "however, you still gotta work off that chub of yours though!" You teased.

Bendy blushed slightly upon hearing you and then stormed up towards you, pointing his index finger up at you. "Piss off! This chub is favourable to everyone and don't lie, you adore it too so shut yer trap!"

"Sure. No one would really find a super skinny demon that's the size of a 4-year-old to be all that charming..."

"Exactly, just wait til' you cuddle me. Then we'll see who's talkin' and sheesh... there's nothin' wrong with being short. I'm sick n' tired of everyone makin' fun of me as if it was like some sort of sin." Bendy growled at you, stung from your words. "Now enough of yer yammerin' and let's get outta here!" Bendy stepped forward and impetuously opened the door that lead out of the Safe House. "I'm not standin' here for the rest of my life y'know so quit it with the yackin' and the slackin' and finish yer packin'!"

Drawn Together (Bendy x Female Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now