Bendy's Thoughts #2

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Meanwhile, as you were finally asleep despite of the Bendy clocks and the mysterious overwhelming ambience... all that was left was the lonesome ink demon sitting on his chair, still listening to music on the phonograph which was turned down a notch so it wouldn't disturb you. He didn't want to sleep yet. He was on guard and was calm, resting his head on his bundled-up arms that were comfortably crossing over each other on the table and staring deep into the bright, orange flame that was flickering a little dance on the wick of the candle which was lit for a long unknown period of time. Soon the flame's brightness burned through his vision and he quickly shut his eyes, tending and covering them with his hands and turned away from the candle. It temporarily bleached his vision! Bendy ended up letting out a squeamish, quiet yelp in shock and from the slight stinging pain. "Ugh! That was diabolical!" He said gruffly as he began to gently rub them. He shook his head and some of the glare faded off from his round, cartoony eyes. He opened them hardly, looking down at the floor, staring at the scattered cards he spewed in your face earlier.

"Ugh. What's the point of fuckin' colour anyway? I mean, this would've happened in my world too but it'd never trigger these strange blotchy colours! Damn!" Bendy scowled down at them. He looked back up at the candle, staring back at it by it's waxy base rather than the light; with a menacing, revengeful glower and he blew it out, extinguishing the little fire. It smouldered into the air from the burnt wick and the smell of strawberry fragrance blended with smoke wafted into the air, filling the room with the rest of it's sweet scent.

The colour glare began to subsided from his vision. He shook his head once more and shut his eyes again and continued to massage them lightly. It woke him up a little bit. The super fast, catchy theme died down and it began to play a new melody, mainly composed of a soft sounding saxophone and a slow rhythmic xylophone. It sounded sentiment and quiet, fitting in with the overall stilled atmosphere of the room. It was pretty lonely. Bendy quietly sighed. Maybe he should call it a day and try to find somewhere to sleep? However... Bendy still refused to rest himself. He took his main focus off of the candle and the colours and began to think about you with a dopey, relaxed smile with a small hint of light grey blush scattered on the mid section of his face.

"Ah, I really wish Y/N could actually sit back and relax with me a little longer. She'd probably would've had an explanation on this colour shit. I mean, I understand she needs some shut eye but she needs to let herself out and at least have some fun, talk more and stuff. Just take her mind off of what happened..." Suddenly, his main train of thought snapped back into him, only to realize that a sudden deep devotion was beginning to conquer him. "Ugh! What am I doing!? I can't get a proper grip of myself! I'm startin' to like something that is a totally separate species compared to me! All I ever wanted was to be rescued and now I'm startin' to get a stupid crush on a pathetic human!" Bendy growled at the now unlit candle. He clenched both his hands into tight fist and his tail rose into the air, crooked. He was disappointed in himself for what he let himself go to.

"I always knew she was a good girl from the start and all but somethin' about her today is makin' me feel... strange? I can't describe it. It's like I'm gettin' a lil' crush on her or somethin'. She's makin' the honey glow in my cheeks! I've never ever wanted to be dragged out of my world in the first place and now I'm screwed!" Bendy continued on scolding at himself but he needed to vent and he had no one to vent at the time.

"Gosh, I wish Boris was here with me right now. I really need you right now pal..." blowed the little demon, "it was sooo embarrassing blushing like that when I was eat'n that damn apple! Like, why'd I have to mention that!? I could've given myself away! I gotta be more careful! Speaking about that apple though... it's not the same red as the one I first seen in here. That red was darker and it smelt horrible too but this red today, reminded me of her... Y/N~ I don't know how but it was bright, warm and somehow gorgeous to look at. Maybe I liked it because it's red just like the blush on her face whenever I endear her or whenever she's mad at me, hehe. It's such a cute thing to see her do every now and then. Same with her little giggles here and there too! It's gotten into me and I'm beginning to lose myself. I thought I was only meant for Alice Angel or once in a while, another female character that Alice may have to compete with. How is this even possible? It shouldn't be! She's not from my world and it'd be awkward to confess this to her... He then scowled with a loud menacing groan and slammed his fists against the table; hopefully he wasn't too loud. He rested his head against the table, feeling the cool wood against his face. He then let out a light, confused huff.

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