A Whole New View - Chapter 9

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Icy-cold ink dribbled into the station as the tall, skulking ink demon hovered around it. Nothing was heard except for his loud, wet footsteps plopping against the ground with every step he took while emitting an unhealthy, snarling sound as he breathed. What was going through his head as he paced? He was probably waiting for the sanity to fully drain out of your mind to the point where you'd just give up, put faith in yourself and make a run for it when all of the sudden those big, wet, gloved hands could just fly out and snatch you before you could even scream; like a hawk swooping down to snag an innocent field mouse.

His shadow blocked off the light for a brief moment. Fear-stricken, you coward more as you hugged your little Bendy who was more concerned with you than anything. You blenched upon the feeling of the staining liquid drip all over you, dying and soaking your sweater which at least was already black to begin with so it wasn't much of a loss. The bitter, foul odour of old ink managed to waft through the station.

"W-What is he?" You asked cowardly in the dark, ink-drenched station.

Bendy looked up at you, sitting against your torso as you held him towards you for comfort. "A creep of some kind. He's actually dumber than he looks," he answered with a bitter cackle.

"Well obviously since he is you," you said, narrowing your eyes at the demon who you could hardly see with the poor lighting. "Seriously though, he looks way too human."

Bendy sighed from your comeback, he accidentally set himself up for that. "I shoulda saw that comin'..." he scolded himself as he blushed in embarrassment and managed to free one of his arms to rub the back of his horned head. He then tried to pull himself together again. "He might even be part human too! Either that or that's one funny lookin' clone of me. I don't fuckin' know but he really needs to piss right off."

"Hm," you stared at Bendy sternly, "I wonder who's the person then if he is fused with a human or what triggered the ink machine to make him come out like this?"

"Hmm... I dunno. Maybe he needs a snickers bar and then he'll be fine," he said as he shook head. Suddenly some of the ink from the other Bendy made it's way down your sweater from your neck, seeping into your tank top beneath it which caused you to scream instinctively from the icky discomfort but just in time Bendy quickly slammed his hand gently onto your mouth to try and muffle you. "Shh! It's just ink. He'll go away if ya piper down!" he agitatedly whispered to you.

You took a deep breath through your nose and Bendy took his hands off of you so you could release it from your mouth. Instead of calming down, you did the opposite. "Piper it down? You left me behind when that bastard showed up! He scared the shit out of me! How is it possible for me not to keep quiet!?"

"Well, I told ya to not fight him and instead you thought you were all tough and tried to face him one on one before you realized you've just shit yerself. Y'shoulda listened!" He lectured, his tail lashed in an aggressive wag.

You grimaced at him and glowered coolly off to the side, sighing. "I know... I was hoping I had a chance."

Bendy's face softened and examined you, "I know... You were just tryna help and I understand that dear."

You looked at him with sincere. You were about to say something nice to him until another angry growl from outside interrupted you. "Ugh! When's he gonna leave!? Doesn't he have a life too?"

"Apparently not." Bendy spoke dryly and leaned back a bit; lightly closing his eyes and sinking down a bit nervously in your grip. "Well, if he doesn't, then maybe I'll just have to go out there myself and lure him away so you can get out safely."

Your eyes reamed and you perked your head up as you reacted. "Wait Bendy! No! I don't want to lose you!" You wailed, holding him tighter as you stared at his pale face with the poor light leaking through the cracks and the peephole of the station. Your eyes welded from the water in them as you starred into Bendy with such an upset, concerned gaze. "Can't we just wait any longer? Have some patience! You've put too much effort to escape! Stay here!" You pleaded cheerlessly. He's tried his hardest to escape the studio, to fit in with you and to keep you safe. Why would he want to risk something like this now?

Drawn Together (Bendy x Female Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now