The Devil in Disguise - Chapter 10

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A cool breeze of wind found it's way and blew through you from beneath your sweater as you slid down the large wires; still hearing the angered thundering growls of Inky from above after you escaped from his clutches. You passed by some rooms that were other floors which you've barely had any time to even get a glimpse of because of how fast you were going down the cables. You still weren't as fast as Bendy going down however, you could still vaguely see him sometimes due to the little flashes of light from the other floors.

"I want ya to slow down right now!" Bendy yelled out below you as another light from a floor began to cast a silhouette of him that you managed to catch a glimpse of.

"H-HOW DO I DO THAT!?" You panicked, instinctively hugging the cable tighter which caused you to slow down a little bit.

"Hehe! You're doin' it already toots! Just keep on pressin' yer thighs an' grip 'em together and then you should be able ta slow down to a stop!" Bendy shouted as he was completely halted below you, now being able to see him almost clearly now that he's stopped right at a floor which you assumed to be Level Fourteen.

You clamped yourself tighter onto the cables, slowing yourself down even more. You could've sworn that you'd have small tears in the inner thighs of your pants from the friction by now. Once you've entirely came to a stop, you could almost see the floorboards of the new level. Just the same, old wooden floorboards just like all of the other floors in the studio... only with large, faint, dry black footprints from someone else's shoes pointing into the direction of the elevator that may've lead to somewhere on that level.

"D'ya even know how ta get off?" Bendy asked curiously with a snigger, as if he was joking with you.

"N-No. I don't think so..." You answered sheepishly, trying very hard to ignore the thought of how easy it is to lose your grip and plummet down into the depths leading you into an accidental death.

"Well, its pretty simple!" Bendy said zealously as you suddenly felt the cables move from some sort of force as you saw a black blur move through the small amount of light you had, accompanied with a thump of something landing.

"GWAH!" You wailed from the sudden movement, putting you a little off balance. It made you constrict around the wires even more. "COULD YOU AT LEAST WARN ME BEFORE YOU GET OFF!? I ALMOST LOST MY HOLD BECAUSE OF THAT!"

"Whoopsies! Sorry! Thought ya would've saw that comin'! You're hangin' there still so you're all good! Just slide on down by a notch an' follow my lead!" Emboldened the demon as he poked his head out from the side, rubbing the back of his head from his mistake.

You obeyed Bendy and tried to relax your muscles and steadily, you began to inch yourself downwards to where Bendy was originally holding onto himself; trying to ignore the aches in your exhausted arms from supporting your body weight. Now you could see the elevator's entrance of the new room and a proper front view of the competent Bendy standing right there with his arms on his hips, smiling at you with his tail dangling and swaying calmly behind him. "O-Okay! Now do I... just climb out?"

Bendy nodded his horned head, his tail swayed up in the air behind him. "Correct-o! You're taller than me so you can just swing out 'cher leg onto the edge and then let go of one of yer hands so I can take it but ya gotta be really quick!"

"I really hope you know what you're doing here Bendy!" You nervously whined, locking your optics into the demon's with such a doubtful gaze.

"Oh just trust me with this one Y/N, I do!" Bendy smiled as he moved his gloved hand out a little, offering it to you, "I'll neva let'cha down and you know that pretty damn well by now!"

You mumbled something pessimistic that was almost inaudible to the little devil but he could still obviously tell you were really uneasy about this but you still believed in him just as much as he believed in you. You shut your eyes and took in a deep breath. You then threw out your leg to the ledge, spreading both your legs out awkwardly as your other leg was still hooked around the wire. You threw your hand out towards Bendy and he quickly latched both of his warm hands carefully and tightly around your wrist; yanking you with a surprisingly strong force and pulled you off of the cable and onto your side uncomfortably on the ground, hearing the loud thump of your bag hitting against the floor on your back. You also felt something fall out of your sweater in the climbing out process...

Drawn Together (Bendy x Female Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now