The Plan - Chapter 13

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You took one last glance back at the vat before parting, pitying and grieving more over the loss of Bendy. It was still hard and strange to even be able to grasp on the thought of meeting, kissing and watching a real cartoon suffer and die but you didn't care, no one knows about his existence outside of the studio or your relationship. He deserved to live but life decided to kill him off anyway because you just so happened to be in the right place at the wrong time. If it wasn't for Sammy and Inky, he might've survived but if it wasn't for Alice's doings, then none of this would ever happen. The good thing is is that you won't have to worry about those two anymore at least. Who knows what happened to that tall, skinny monster Bendy though. He's probably lingering about somewhere in the studio, god only knows what he may be up to; gnawing away on his deranged prophet's corpse, traumatizing other monsters, plotting on what to do about you after he relocates your whereabouts or something sinister along that matter.

"A hero is someone who has given their life to something bigger than oneself." - A famous quote from a wise author, you couldn't remember his name however. Bendy really did try saving you as well as keeping you safe from all of the threatening hazards throughout the misadventure. He even tried comforting you through your nightmare last night. It wasn't his fault that he couldn't defend himself when he encountered Alice. That inky flood was way too sticky to even get around in, not to mention that he was probably too traumatized to even fight back either. You still pondered on about that though; if Bendy has seen her before then how did he manage to escape unscathed in the first place or did she not end up capturing him at all?

An eerie, intense shiver jolted up against your skin and interrupted your curious prying and sorrowful thoughts. Your hands and legs felt numb from all the damage and the bitter cold. You must leave the room at once for your own sake too. As said before, he wasn't going to come back without the help of the Ink Machine. Now that you are equipped with some integral items, you braced yourself and pressed on; proceeding onwards to the enormous metal door. You reached your hand out to it and grabbed the doorknob, it was so cold in here that you couldn't even feel the freezing metal. You twisted the handle of the door and it turned clockwise rather smoothly but it still managed to fool you.

It was locked.

"Of course, and I saw that coming too," you glared at it while sighing irritably. You turned around to face the entrance from where you came from. "I guess we're gonna have to go through the long way, huh?" You asked yourself as you held up your axe a bit to catch a quick glimpse of Bendy's dandy bowtie that you tied onto; talking to it as if he was actually still there with you.

An exquisite feeling of resentment and compassion sparked again and taunted your eyes to leak with more tears but you tried to stop yourself. You shut eyes and opened them up quickly to scroll your view off the bowtie and lowered your weapon down by your side as you tried to look across the room through the thickening, icy fog; squinting down at the exit from where you came from with it's embedded candles flickering their little, ardent flames within the walls that sort of in a way reminded you of the twitches Bendy's tail made. You closed your eyes tightly to allow the last of your mournful tears to quickly flow out from your puffy eyes that now wielded a reddish-tinge in your scleras from all of the emotional stress that's been going on throughout your adventure down here in the suspicious, lower parts of the building. Most people would usually take a short break, help themselves to some water and something to eat, bandage up their wounds and maybe even take a quick nap in a safe place (if there even was such a thing down in here) but you, you wouldn't risk yourself in such an insanely putrid place; you would put yourself first for others, even if it was unnecessary and against their frantic warnings. Even though Bendy wanted you to escape, you were still determined enough to the point where you'd do anything to bring him back. You were driven by your heart, not by your mind or gut. You slowly paraded across the room towards the exit, ignoring the constant chills of the mysterious fog attempting to throw at you; not even daring to make eye contact with any of the cartoons' disembowelled corpses. The way got clearer and clearer the closer you approached towards the doorway. Just when you were about leave the large, ominous room, a loud sound of fluid moving in a rather rushed way stopped you. You immediately turned around to see what it was; holding out your axe and prepared to defeat whatever was stalking you. Much to your surprise, nothing was there. Everything was still and silent, aside from the usual sounds of dripping ink that the building exudes of course. It could be the same Searchers' who've ditched you for their own lives during Inky's outburst and Sammy's death but maybe it could be Bendy, alive and possibly sneaking up on you (since he had a thing going on with that).

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