Acknowledgement - Chapter 7

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The darkness that once surrounded your vision and spirit lightened as you began to wake up. You felt like a bag of shit. You had trouble sleeping last night, tossing and turning from a dreadful nightmare that had to do with the events of yesterday and it threw you into a devastating turmoil after finally falling asleep. Even beforehand didn't work out either because of that, the loud obnoxious Bendy clocks and the scary atmosphere; you were almost certain that some sort of ink critter would find its way into the safehouse and pledge an attack onto you.

You tried to open your eyes but they were glued shut with residue. You didn't really feel like lifting an arm to wipe them so you used all your strength and they've finally open, how disgusting. You were facing the ceiling; a perfect view of the inky, rotten ceiling. You blinked a few times to moisten your dopey, crusty optics. You then stretched, sprawling your limbs out but you realized something was wrong... You felt as if something was laying on top of you, against the lower half of your body. It was warm, light but seemed to be breathing. What is it? A monster or Bendy? You tilted your hooded-head forward to see what was there and you've guessed it...

Bendy was there in a deep slumber; all snuggled up, comfortable and what he low-keyed wished for from last night was to be warm and to be with you. You of course didn't know his true intentions. You panicked and let out a loud, clamorous squeal which would've been louder if it hadn't been for the raspiness of your voice from waking up. The demon didn't even budge. Heck he was so comfortable that you could've almost consider him to be dead.

You laid there for a second, stiff and stilled from the sudden surprise to your findings. Your eyes wide, bulging from their sockets and your mouth gaping in sheer bewilderment. Bendy finally moved a bit, switching onto his belly as he managed to hear your voice but he was still in a very deep slumber. "Hush I'm still sleep'n..." crooned the snoozy demon. He then squirmed up, wrapping his arms around you and nuzzling the side of his face against the soft fabric of your black sweater draping over your waist; all snuggled up against you like a little dog trying den itself in blankets. You blushed quite a bit amongst the position and feeling of him. As adorable and affectionate it was, he's just an acquaintance and after all that creepy drama from yesterday with the dismaying introduction of Sammy and the Searchers; this was practically a cherry on the top of a cake for you.

"GET OFF OF ME!" You screamed louder this time as you quickly threw your arms out from their comfortable state just to push the devil away. Bendy finally woke up in a snap and quickly jumped backwards, landing back-faced against your feet, sitting on your shins with a dopey, stunned and confused expression.

"Heya! What's the big idea!?" Bendy asked in a tired, cracked tone as he rubbed one of his eyes which had grey shadow beneath them again; at least they weren't as bad as yesterday's but still.


"Look. As bad as it looks, this is nothin' personal. I literally had nowhere to sleep and I was freezin' cold. Ya could've woke up and find me frozen! Where do ya expect me to get some shut eye, huh?"

"So? This is still unacceptable! You could've at least wake me up so I could help you or make an exception instead of creeping along in here while I'm sleeping. You scared the fucking daylights out of me! I thought you were a monster!" You snarled, scooting further away from Bendy. The hammock's strings let out a light, unsettling, creaky noise as the strings supporting it were old from age.

"Yeah, yeah but I really had no other choice," Bendy looked down in sorrow and the back up to you, blinking slowly to reveal the lustrous sparkles in his wary eyes, "ya had a pretty harsh day yesterday... I would've woken you but at the same time, maybe ya would've been mad at me. Plus you were cryin' in yer sleep and shiverin' too. Just as well I came in here because you actually stopped when I joined in. You needed someone to comfort you."

Drawn Together (Bendy x Female Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now