The First Night - Chapter 2

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You grabbed the old door knob and twisted it, opening the door and was greeted forthwith by the dark, silent outdoors that was soaked with moonlight. It was very pleasant to feel the cool breeze after that harsh sunlight from earlier when you were walking to your work. There were a hardly any cars out tonight. There were hardly any people walking either despite how wonderful and beautiful it was now. This was perfect! Bendy can just hide. Hopefully no one will see his gloves, bowtie and his white 'mask' on his face.

You looked around to double check if anyone was walking by the studio. The coast was clear for the most part. You moved out of the way from the door to let Bendy through, he padded right out from behind you. He was really eager to see what it's like to be outside of the studio for the first time. When he stepped out, he was completely silent but he was deeply amused. He looked at the dark sapphire sky, his black eyes lit up and glimmered with the reflections of the sparkling stars.

You've really wanted to tell him to get moving but you really needed to cut him some slack. It's his first time out of his black and white world and from his isolation in the studio. Even watching him being so amused was really fascinating. A small smile bloomed on his face.

"Now I really wanna fly... like an angel," Bendy said as he was completely engrossed to the sky, "Dis is tha first time I've eva seen beautiful, clearer shades of blue!"

"That's nice. That's very, very nice– now can we get going please!?" You pleaded in haste, "I have stuff to do and work tomorrow. You can watch it out of the window or something when we get home."

Bendy turned to you. "Oh sorry. The moon, the moment," he bragged with a dorky, content grin, "Oh c'mon! You're pullin' on my tail here! I just got outta the hellhole! Let me have some time fer myself, will ya?"

You didn't know what to say but like you said, he can look at it when you get home. You turned to the pathway that leads to the side walk. "Whatever weirdo, let's go." You snapped. Bendy just sighed and ended up putting up with your bullshit anyway. He walked awfully close behind you, trying to act like a shadow.

"Bendy!" you quietly yelled at him. "Go beside me so you look like a child walking with his parents from a far view!"

"Why should I?" Yapped the cartoon.

"Because you look weird following me like this!"

"Mm... fine." Bendy moved up beside you. "Better?" he looked up at you, irritated with your attitude.

"Yes and keep your tail close behind you too. People will hardly notice it's you," you reasoned.

"Err..." Bendy didn't like the sound of that. His tail involuntarily moves around to express his feelings as usual but he had some control over it and he tried to keep it flat against his back... for now at least. "Oh yeah. I have a question..." asked the annoyed demon in a lowered voice, "I didn't even get ta ask before but what even is yer name?" He wasn't even looking up at you while you were walking.


"Oh, that's a rather dull name but whatever..." he said dryly.

"Take that back! It's not like Bendy is any better!" You countered. You didn't know exactly what to say to him back as you were still bewildered by that the fact that he's literally a fucking cartoon that you're taking home with you and have to care for.

"Well, hows about you go up and ask my creator to change it. I'm sure he'd loooove to hear all about yer ideas and I'm certain he'll change it regardless of my series being discontinued from 30 years ago!" Cackled the demon. You just let out an irritated gasp and tried to ignore him and just continue walking. You were starting to wonder if life randomly decided to take a turn on you and suddenly curse you with a fictional demon.

Drawn Together (Bendy x Female Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now