Bendy's Dream (Bendy's Thoughts #3)

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Bendy's P.O.V
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Ugh! That hurt like fuckin' hell (quite literally), especially right in the noggin' where she kicked me. I can't even wake up! I try to move but I can't seem to budge! All I could see was black and only black that was darker than the nasty, inky accidents scattered throughout that goddamn studio. It's probably the last time I'll ever see the light of day again...

Gosh, where are ya Y/N when I need ya? I don't even know if you're even aware of this but I sure hope you're alright and I hope you can brace yourself and take out that cunt for me if ya even see her or even better, find yer way out safely! Don't worry about me! I'll escape! I promise. Boy, I can't do anythin' to stop that fuckin' cherub from takin' me away from my sweet gal. That fuckin' scumbag ain't takin' my heart but she'll certainly be gettin' a piece of me when I wake up, that's for sure!

Yet suddenly, all of my agonizing pain that was coursing through my body melted away into nothing but comfort and warmth. My blackened vision faded away into a dark grey colour, as if some sort of light was pourin' onto my face through my eyelids. That's strange!? What was happening!? I was really confused and shocked but I feel like I now have the ability to open my eyes. Slowly and gently, my eyelids rolled up and I sat up from the comfy object I was laying on. I blinked a few times and then familiarized my surroundings in surprise. All I could see was my bedroom, the same ol' bedroom I used to sleep in! Everythin' was colourless from just varieties of black and white; just like how it used to be. I can see my generic dresser that probably contained my lil' outfits I'd wear once in a while along with some of my spare bowties for comedic reasons and a photo of me and Alice on it! Everythin' was back to normal but was this real? It seemed legit. I positioned myself straighter on my bed; feelin' like a tossed bag of garbage. I was all sore and restless from that fight I put up with that cruel Alice. I let off a big, loud yawn that probably could've almost woken up the whole entire town and then I striped off my sheets and looked down at my body; I still had my gloves and shoes on as well as my famous bowtie. How strange? This has to be a dream! I would never sleep with these on and I'd shoulda NEVER had dreams about colour in the first place! I guess it's just the other way around... at least I've met someone who's managed to steal my heart in a good way. I guess I must progress through this dream. Maybe I've actually teleported out of that world and back to mine. Even though I'll be safe from the evil Alice, I still hope not because that means Y/N is out there alone with nothin' to defend herself with after that incident with the axe. She's prone to danger and I fear the worse if either Alice or Inky finds her! For fuck's sakes! Why's this gotta happen!? I need to wake up NOW!

I'm gonna have to test this out! I put out my hand and pinched my arm with the other. "YOUCH!" I squealed out loud. That fuckin' hurt like a bitch! The downside however was that nothin' changed! Damn that whore knocked me out real good... or am I dead? I don't even know at this point. I sat there and scrutinized through my thoughts for a minute. If I am out cold then I should at least make my visit fast and see what my mind has in store for me. I stretched myself, hearin' my joints shuffle around; making a loud, obnoxious cracking sounds and then I rolled off of my tail and onto to my knees to look out through the bright window that was all warmed up by the bright sunlight seeping down from the sun. It's great to stare at the sun again! In the world of colour, I almost went blind from starin' at it. I continued to gaze at the grey sun longer until suddenly it developed eyes shaped like mine and a mouth too; looking down upon me, smiling. "Good morning Bendy," he greeted to me in such a jolly, deep voice.

"Good mornin'! Risin' and shinin' as always, eh!?" I waved through the window at him with a fake smile. As much as it was good to see the sun again and with everythin' returning back to the old cartoon logic, I was still paining inside. I need to find a way back and I need to save myself and Y/N before that stupid bitch gets the upper hand! I looked down from the sun and took a gander at my neighbourhood. There were almost no humans; mostly anthropomorphic animals. From chickens, to cats and even a giraffe wearing some fancy outfits. None of them had the eyes that Y/N had and they were all black and white of course. It felt weird now. I am so used to the other world I was in. Being back in here felt really weird because colour usually added personality and a better atmosphere but hey, at least everyone's nice and they know me as the dancin' demon, right? I can't really complain 'bout that because I am from here. I continued looking over and eventually I spotted Boris; wearin' the same old overalls! There he was walkin' around happily and lively, playin' with his clarinet that shot out real music notes with every note he played! His ears and snout bopped forward and his big, bushy tail was swingin' around joyfully with every step he took. I couldn't believe it! It's him, the real him! Alive, healthy and carefree with glee! My eyes watered and a big smile splayed on my face! I couldn't believe it! Boris was here! Well, enough sittin' around, I gotta go reunite with him! I quickly and eagerly turned and pounced off my bed, bolting down my hallway. I rushed down my soft, carpeted, leadened stairs. I looked around the hallways and the livingroom it was connected to. It was large and almost identical to the real thing! The same pictures of me and my friends and the same ol' furniture I had! I was astonished! I had no time for the acknowledgement though. I needed to see him! I opened the door and dashed out of it; wrappin' my tail around the knob in the process behind me and shuttin' the door with it.

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