Resided in Shadows - Chapter 14

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"So... Is this all settled now?" You asked the persuaded demon who stared at you seemingly convinced.

He just stood there still. Now he seemed optimistic and buoyant but you could still sense the uncertainty and possibly fear hidden behind his pale face. "Sure, although I'm gonna need more of a background behind dat. We can't just come in and be like 'AYYO FREE BACON SOUP' an' just watch that stooge come runnin' in here," he smirked, chuckling to himself, "Mind ya, he could honestly use the calories hehe!"

"Hm. Then what could we use to attract him here?" You asked, ignoring his snarky remark about his other self.

"Well accordin' to my past overhears of Alice's ramblings, he comes around when there's too much racket goin' on that isn't normally heard around here and he absolutely HATES it when someone whacks his cutouts into pieces!"

After Bendy mentioned about too much racket, you thought for a minute; completely zoning out on Bendy's own heckling outlook emphasized by his own character. The only reason why Inky had shown up down here must've been because of you and Alice fighting over Bendy judging by how loud it was between you two with that urgent confrontation and that life threatening battle. Although, wouldn't he have shown up sooner due to Bendy screaming his head off from his traumatic, agonizing torture? Even though the door was locked, couldn't he just warp through it? You didn't want to ask Bendy of course because that would've been outright rude and regardless of him being seemingly open about this, he's probably still traumatized on the inside after all that happened between him and Alice and judging on how he tried to resist the freezing healing ink; knowing him, he's probably trying to hide back his true feelings again, even if it's been engulfed by his happiness and love for you, he probably averted his mind from it. Still though, what's with the delay with Inky? Was he visiting Sammy? Resting? Dealing with some other problem? Maybe he was unaffected of his own screams. Sammy did mention that he was proud that Alice was murdered off but that didn't mean anything.

"Yoo-hoo! Earth to Y/N!" Bendy called out sourly to you in a sing-song voice, "Were ya even payin' any attention to what I was just sayin'?"

"Huh?" You snapped back into focus, blinking your sore eyes and looked down at Bendy. "Oh, y-yeah!"

Bendy sighed and shook his head in disbelief. "Got somethin' on yer mind? Like a better idea? I'll hear ya out."

"N-No. It's nothing!" You beamed down at him, blushing slightly in embarrassment which was luckily but also unfortunately hidden beneath the ink on your face.

"Heh, you're such a cutie-patootie when ya hide things from me," Bendy uttered a laugh as if he could somehow tell your face was flushed out beneath your blackened exterior; although he is one to talk about. "Anyway, let's save dis for later, shall we dear?" Bendy asked as he put his hands behind his back.

"Yeah... G-Go on!" You nodded with a titter quivering in your laugh.

"So as I was sayin'... you have the option of standin' in the middle of the hallway jeering him out. Now I ain't really down with that but there is an alternative..." He spoke out, his voice was now slightly curt. "Have you seen a cutout at any point down here? That's the easiest and probably the most accurate way we can lure that fucker down here."

Suddenly you felt a string being tugged out your muddled memory, that one cutout that you thought was placed there by Alice just to enrage you more. "...In a matter of fact, I have! It's literally not that far from here."

Drawn Together (Bendy x Female Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now