Washed Away - Chapter 4

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After having yours and Bendy's decisions settled after dinner, you went off upstairs to brush your teeth and get your other things dealt with as well as sorting out your belongings for your little adventure tomorrow. You were already washed up and in your pyjamas and you still had a little bit of time to organize your stuff before you can rest in bed. In the meantime, Bendy was awfully quiet downstairs. The TV was off in fact. What could he possibly be doing down there? Hopefully he's still writing in his journal and not destroying your belongings, plotting a prank or some sort of mischief on you.

You had to think. If the studio is all inky like this then maybe you should wear all black, right? You went into your drawer and pulled out your soft, dark grey leggings that are comfortable to run in and then turned to your closet to grab your nice, long, heavy black sweater that covers most of your backside and is super cozy to wear. You tried searching for a black or at least a dark short-sleeved top but you didn't have one so instead you brought out your dark blue tank top from your drawer. The outfit can probably work out. The ink will probably end up dyeing the tank top and the leggings completely so you didn't have to worry too much. Though, what about ink poisoning? You got up and rushed towards the doorway and called out for Bendy. "Hey Bendy!? Are you poisonous!?"

A confused voice yelled back at you. "No! I'm nontoxic but I can be toxic..." he then let off a little chuckle after his unfunny joke, "what kinda question is that anyway!?"

"Just wondering! No worries!" You answered, shutting the door and then returned to your sorting. You plucked out your chosen undergarments and socks out of your drawer and laid them along with your chosen outfit on the ground. It wasn't the most classy outfit but it'll have to do. You went downstairs and grabbed your bag and turned the corner down to the kitchen hallway, completely ignoring whatever the little demon was up to in the living room.

You dumped all your stuff out on your kitchen table and slid them to the other side, away from your bag. You continued on and went into your cupboards to grab some of your favourite snacks along with a couple of water bottles. You also went to your medicine cabinet to grab your first aid kit and stuffed it along with the following items into your bag.

You felt like you needed more than that though. You were probably gonna be in the studio for a bit so you shouldn't have to worry anyway but something was there and it was boggling your mind. Perhaps Bendy may know? You walked back down the hallway and towards your living room, poking your head out from the side of the wall. "Whatcha doing over there bud?" You asked curiously.

Bendy was just suspiciously sitting on the ground with a mischievous expression, reading a novel of some sort. He caught you in his peripheral vision and then he looked up at you, trying to cover up his book from your view. "Nunya business." Snorted the demon. Was he just angry and trying to be an ass or is he just annoyed with your nosiness? He shouldn't be too mad despite the deal you've made from earlier but who knows. You still begged to bug him though, whether if it was intensional or not.

"Well it is! What are you reading?" You inched up to him more with your shadow looming over him. He wasn't even intimidated by that or your aspect clearly.

"Why d'ya wanna know?" He asked annoyedly.

"Because it's my house and I feel like you're reading something that you shouldn't be. Hand it over now please!" You begged in concernment. It's not like it was a porn magazine but it could be your family photos or something that he's chosen to snoop around in.

Bendy then peaked at the open book that was covered by his gloved hands and then panned his glance back up at you. "Nah ah!" Declined the demon.

You then stepped forward more and bent down. You quickly snagged it from his grasp and read what it was opened to. It was a picture of a ferocious, hungry cougar in a snowy plane that was pouncing on a female deer who was trying to flee from it for it's deer life. That might explain Bendy's expression... You closed the magazine and read the title. National Geographic: The Fierce Beasts Of The Mountains. "Oh ho! So is this what you were trying to hide from me, hm?" You asked with a little chuckle.

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