Reduced To A Netherworld - Chapter 5

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Finally! You have arrived at the studio! Nothing hasn't even changed since you first set foot in the abandoned facility. The lighting was still on, thus giving it's off-putting yellow hue all over the studio. The tables, drawers and everything was dyed and dried up with the old ink that once flooded the first floor of the studio after that strange tragedy that ever caused it.

It was chilly, assuming that studio's heating systems were probably old and have malfunctioned from all of the ink. You were grateful for yourself that you had a sweater with you. Who knows how Bendy felt about this as well but he doesn't seem to be showing signs or complaining about it. You kept looking around more, checking out those ink-covered cardboard cutouts and stickers of Bendy on the tables and against the walls. Their eyes were still visible and they seem to follow you from any angle because they don't have eyes like you do, just those empty, black pie-shaped eyes. Who knows where their pupils are facing. It sent a shiver down your spine. "This place sure has a lot of the same cutouts of you."

Bendy coward at the sight of the ink covered cutouts and stickers which were not just creepy to see for him but were a bit larger than him too. "Yeah. They give me the creeps! Nothin's creepier than havin' duplicates of yerself everywhere with that same fuckin' smile, just casually starin' right at'cha!" His tail flicked nervously behind him.

"I honestly don't blame you. That's for sure!" You travelled beside him. Although, you had to admire all the posters advertising his episodes with his jolly, beaming smile; how cute, despite of them being doused in ink! Too bad he's a shithead most of the time being.

You walk down a couple of small hallways where it lead you two back to the giant, old ink machine and on the way, you step on a small object! "Gah!" You screamed in fear. Both of you leapt back from it and then suddenly the devil bursted out into laughter.

"Haha! You stepped on a broken tape recorder!"

You looked down at it. It was covered in ink and looked like it was crushed from both you and possibly from something that knocked it over with a strong enough force; presumably from the ink flood. Your foot still managed to activate it somehow. It was malfunctioning and it was unbearable to hear. It was nothing but just a complete unnerving, deep garble. The only thing you were managed to make out from it was 'I'm outta here!' in a Brooklyn accent that was distorted with pitch and static.

"Well... that happened..." You said after recovering from your little jumpscare, you were a bit embarrassed too just from the squeal you made.

Bendy's laughter simmered down to a giggle. "Aw man. Yer face was priceless!" He than propped himself up and tried to get himself together again.

"It wasn't that funny." You glared at him. "I wasn't even expecting it! It doesn't help with the atmosphere and the shit you've told me too!"

"Gee, lighten yerself up a bit. Ya have to admit, it was pretty funny."

"Sigh, I guess... for your case anyway. That tape probably had some valuable information though..."

Bendy looked down at the damaged tape and then immersed himself more serious. "Yeah... True. Probably not though, there's more bellow that actually work and have better and... creepier information-" he cringed at the thought of something that has to do with the tapes.

"Well, lets keep going. Let's go back to the ink machine room and see if we can find anything we've missed." You insisted.

Bendy looked up at you and nodded. His seriousness now just broke into a discouraged cast on his face. His moment of enjoyment was over and now he has to put up with your adventure and the dark secrets within the studio. You and him continued down the dark hallway. However, a message on the wall caught your eyes... DREAMS COME TRUE written in big and bolded with ink. You didn't even notice that before or was it recently? It was hard to see but from a sharp eye, it was pretty visible. You asked Bendy just to be sure who was deep in thought on his way to the ink machine. "How long was that there?"

Drawn Together (Bendy x Female Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now