Exposure - Chapter 3

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The sun has finally ascended from the other side of the earth. The birds were energized from their slumber and are happily chirping outside, hunting and scavenging for food. School buses have already begun to drive around and pickup children who were super excited because it was Friday. Even the little girl from last night was happy about it too! On her way out of her house, she took a quick glance at bush that had our little 'cat' in it that she thought was in distress. She shook it off and assumed it was alright and she quickly hopped onto the bus that was waiting for her and off she went.

Meanwhile, your alarm went off. Thank god or else you would've been screwed. It was time for work. You woke up and let off a loud yawn, accompanied with stretched and sat upwards on your bed. It was only 8:30 AM. You rubbed your eyes but then your memory came upon you. You almost completely forgot about Bendy!

You've squiggled out of the sheets and stood up from your drowsy stupor and left from your bed, darting down the stairs to check on him. "Bendy!?" You called out worriedly. Your heart was beating faster than a humming bird's wings.

He wasn't in the living room. The duvet was ruffled up though, hinting he wasn't hiding under it and he was probably using it to sleep last night. You immediately went down the hallway to check the washroom and he wasn't in there because the door was wide open and the lights were off. Across the washroom was the basement. You flicked on the lights and made your way down there to search for him, nothing but a small pile of dirty laundry, your washing machine, dryer and a few old stuff that you've kept since you lived with your parents.

You rushed back up the stairs and checked the kitchen. Not there. You hurried on back down the hallway and scurried up the stairs and back into your bedroom again to check if he was snooping around in there. Nope! Not even under your bed or in the closet! Even the thought of him creeping around in there would be just plain weird. That wouldn't be Bendy at all from the cartoons. Heck he's even more of a jerk in real life! How does he even know what sex is after that joke from last night or even swear? Either way, you continued on with your search. He wasn't even in your upstairs washroom either, nor in the empty guest room.

This was bad. He better not have went outside. On a spur of moment, an idea sparked into your mind. Maybe he was in your backyard! That's the last and only place you didn't check yet. You hurried back down the stairs. You were too fast going down it and you ended up tripping down the stairs and fell against the wall once you got to the bottom of the steps and landed upside down, on your back. "Ow! Fuck!" you groaned painfully. This is not how you'd like to spend your morning at all, especially if you have work!

You got up. Thankfully, you didn't sprain or break anything but it really did hurt. You walked your sore-self to the backyard and opened the door. It was so bright out that it hurts your eyes since you were so used to the dim lighting currently in your home. You set your foot on your porch, struggling to see since it stung so bad.

You couldn't handle it! You ended up having a mental breakdown. You fell on your knees and began to shed tears to your dismay in both pain and worry. It was stressing you out! You were in such a good position in life. Now you have to worry about little, inky, cartoon demons running off without your permission. Gee, if you couldn't find him in time, you'll be a late for work! You were starving, tired and just beginning to tense up. Heck, you even skipped dinner last night so your poor stomach was begging for something to eat with growls and grumbles.

If Bendy got caught, they'd probably do experiments to him which would definitely be unbearable, degrading, tiring and just overall horrible. You could only fear the worse. Suddenly, you felt something tap on your shoulder. You've uncovered your eyes and looked behind you.

Drawn Together (Bendy x Female Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now