Tattered Paper - Chapter 12

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So, you've obviously went down the elevator cable to Level S, assuming that Alice took Bendy down there. In the process of almost majorly injuring yourself from the broken elevator at the bottom (you got a big gash ripped through your leggings on your shin) and then you discovered a dry blood trail that mysteriously leads into a wall. You got lost studying Grant's office until suddenly being interrupted and refocused by Bendy's eardrum-rupturing scream which guided you to an alternative room (that wasn't in the game) and leading you to Alice. You tried to fight her until Ink Bendy/Inky shows up completely focused on Alice and ends up attacking her while you rescue your dying Bendy and try to escape through the same path you came from in hopes of hiding in the elevator's rubble while he is in your arms until your hood of your sweater gets yanked on by someone which causes you to fall and accidentally drop him on the ground and uh... yeah...

Oh? Did I forget to mention that Bendy got his tail cut off because it was being a nuisance towards Alice? That's the real gore right there I was warnin' youse about. Bendy's slowly dying from ink-loss because of it. (plz kill me DX)

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Whatever was holding you hostage was nothing but a mere Searcher, grappling it's fingers and grasping onto your hood of your sweater with it's elongated arms. It hung it's enormous jaw wide and low, making a strange, deep moaning noise as it stared you down intensely with it's representing, indented eyes. What was it doing and why is it holding you back instead of killing you right away? You've tried kicking it back with your injured legs but it wouldn't move or let go; instead, it's gooey, flexible body would jiggle like jelly. "Ngh! LET ME GO!" You demanded furiously at it, squirming and pulling against its hand more.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." spoke a smooth, cold voice that immediately made you stop and dart your pupils over the Searcher's shoulder to try and see who it was but it was still blocking your view, you could hear their gentle footsteps nearing. "Going somewhere, hm? You look so inviting for me to just gobble you up with all my love but I'm afraid I don't have the time nor choice anymore after the betrayal..." he crooned softly in distaste. You tried to look over at Bendy who laid there still like a statue almost, sorrowfully and illy laying on his stomach, yet his chest was slowly filling up with air while his tail wound was sapping away his remaining life energy. Suddenly, legs enswathed in old, torn overalls stepped on over and blocked your view of him which made you quickly pan your eyes up to see an inky human wearing his blemished Bendy mask, Sammy Lawrence. "But after that dilemma with the so-called perfect Bendy, I've made up my mind and planned to do something better for us my little sheep~" he continued on as he knelt down, staring down at you. You were afraid to see his real expression on his face after seeing it back when Bendy pulled off his mask, revealing those glowing, amber optics suffused with malice. "You can just be our sacrifice instead! I always knew deep down we needed live flesh but at the same time, I also didn't want you to go to waste either~"

That last line sounded very familiar and it instantly made you feel really uncomfortable and terrified, splashing unnerving chills all down your dyed skin. "S-Stay away from me you f-fucking creep!" You replied back. You were more irritated rather than scared now, Bendy's life depends on you and Sammy's just eating away the very little time he has. "Y-You're the last thing I w-want to d-deal with! I need to s-save my f-friend! N-Not get raped or sacrificed or w-whatever you w-wanted to do with m-me! P-Please just let us go!"

A smug, satisfied laugh was heard and he raised his jet-black hand and snapped his glossy fingers which signified the ink monster to move it's grip down to bind your wrists together behind you with it's two mucus-like hands, hitching you up quickly so you were forced to sit up painfully onto your knees. Consider yourself lucky that you didn't get your arms dislocated from such a strong, sudden pull and from the change of position. "I don't mean any harm, no. I just simply need to give respect to my lord and appease him with my offerings." He ensured softly.

Drawn Together (Bendy x Female Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now